

    Zhang Jie, Professor and Vice-president of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, member of China Artist Association, member of council of Chongqing Artist Association, deputy secretary-general of Chongqing Cultural Development Association, Vice-president of Chongqing Educational Calligraphy and Painting Association.
    作品曾入选全国性大型美展,多次荣获省和全国“优秀作品奖”,并被中国美术馆、中国军事博物馆、上海美术馆正式收藏。 “人民网”“雅昌艺术网”“TOM网”“英国东方艺术网”等官方网站以及多种中外学术性重要刊物都曾用专版介绍作品与创作思想。本人曾赴加拿大、美国、意大利举办个人画展,作品曾参加台湾苏富比和国内大型拍卖会。
    Lots of his works were selected to large-scaled national arts exhibitions, and honored Excellent Works in several national and provincial exhibitions. Lots works were collected by China National Museum of Fine Arts, China Art Museum of Military, and Shanghai Art Museum. Several paintings and writings were issued on national and international academic publications, as well as official webs, such as People, Artron, Tom, and Eastern Arts (UK) etc., Held personal exhibition in Canada, America and Italy. Many works were selected to attend Taiwan Sufubi Fall Auction and other national auctions.

