




1964 Born in Erguna Zuoqi (Genhe City), Inner Mongolia, Mongolian ethnic. Domicile of origin: Qingdao, Shandong
1964年 生于内蒙古额尔古纳左旗根河,蒙古族,祖籍山东
1982-1986 Studied in the First Workshop, Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and got bachelor degree
1982-1986年 在中央美术学院油画系学习,获学士学位
1983 Memory of Rock was exhibited in Exhibition Hall of Central Academy of Fine Arts
1983年 作品《岩石的记忆》在中央美术学院陈列馆展出
1984 Flying Apsaras series were displayed in the Exhibition Hall of Central Academy of Fine Arts
1984年 作品《飞天》系列,在中央美术学院陈列馆展出
1985 Held joint exhibition together with Faluke, a Bangladeshi artist, in Beijing Jianguo Hotel.
June of Elashan Mountain were displayed in and collected by the Exhibition Hall of Central Academy of Fine Arts
1985年 与孟加拉艺术家法吕克在北京建国饭店举办联展
1985—2007 Participate in important exhibitions from home and abroad for many times; his works were published in key newspapers, magazines, painting albums and books from home and abroad;
Held personal exhibitions in foreign countries for many times;
Published papers, such as General Ideas on Visual Arts, etc.
Now live in Berlin as professional painter, sculptor, and ceramist.
1986 Four Artists Painting Exhibitions was held in the Culture Palace of Nationalities.
1986年 在民族文化宫举办《4人画展》
1986-1990 Worked as teacher in Fine Arts Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University, director of Inner Mongolia Association of Fine Arts, and secretary-general of Oil Painting Art Committee.
1986-1990年 曾任内蒙古师范大学美术系教师,内蒙古美协理事,油画艺委会秘书长
1987-1991 Representative works in this period, including Mangrove, Blue Gifts, White Moon of Northern Sala, Shepherdess of Northern Sala, Bride of Oerhtossu, were exhibited in National Art Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Nanjing Art Museum, Inner Mongolia Art Museum, Hong Kong International Gallery as well as in Japan, Germany, France, Italy, etc.
Shepherdess Northern Sala was collected by a Hong Kong collector.
1987-1991年 作品《红树》、《蓝色的礼物》, 《北萨拉的牧羊女》, 《北萨拉的白月》,《鄂尔多斯新娘》,等诸多作品在:中国、日本,德国,法国,意大利等国展出
1989 Participated in Chinese Modern Art Exhibition in National Art Museum of China.
Oil painting, Shepherdess of Northern Sala, fresco, Horse, pastel, Bride of Oerhtossu were exhibited in 7th National Exhibition of Arts
White Moon of Northern Sala was collected by China Artists Association
Horse (fresco) and Bride of Oerhtossu were collected by Inner Mongolia Hotel and a Japanese respectively.
1989年 在中国美术馆参加《中国现代艺术展》
1991 Attended Modern Oil Painting Exhibition held in Hong Kong Museum of Art, and Serial Painting of Tibet was collected by Hong Kong Oriental Art Foundation
1991-1992 Held personal exhibition in Futong gallery in Trier, Germany
1991-1992年 德国特立尔市富通画廊举办个展
1992年 在香港美术馆参加《现代油画》展
1992-1997 Studied in Nuremberg College of Fine Arts, and got Master degree
1992-1997年 在德国纽伦堡美术学院学习,获硕士学位
1993 Held personal exhibition in Art Gallery in Trier, Germany
1993-1997 Attended the annual exhibition of Nuremberg College of Fine Arts
1993-1997年 每年参加德国纽伦堡美术学院一年一度展,作品《十字》获得“达纳一等奖”
1993年 德国特立尔市艺术画廊举办个展
1994 Held personal exhibitions in Witt. Weiden and Baden Baden.
1994年 德国维特-维登举办个展,巴登-巴登举办个展
1995 Held personal exhibition in Ingestarte Gallery, Germany
Cross was exhibited and won prize in Nuremberg College of Fine Arts
1995年 德国英格斯达特举办个展
1996-1997 Held personal exhibition in Queensborough Museum, Germany.
1996年 德国昆斯堡博物馆举办个展
1998 Held personal exhibition in Hof Gallery, Germany.
1998年 德国豪夫画廊举办个展
1999 Held personal exhibition in B.Koing, Germany.
1999-2005年 德国创作,中国制作《爱拥》大型雕塑装置作品
1999年 德国伯劳-克尼格举办个展
1999—2005 Large serial sculpture works Embrace of Love (120 sculptures in total, 3.4 meters high, 2.2 meters wide and 1.2 meters thick), created in Germany and worked out in China,.
1999-2005 Created large sculpture work Embrace of Love.
Worked as visiting professor of Fine Arts College, Inner Mongolia Normal University.
Art consultant of Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Research Institute.
1999-2005年 创作并制作大型雕塑装置作品《爱拥》
2000 Held personal exhibition in Wiggensbach, Germany.
2000年 德国维根斯巴赫举办个展
2005 Attended “Modern Pottery and Porcelain Exhibition” in Jingdezhen Art Museum of Ceramic in which Blue-white Porcelain, a modern porcelain work was collected by the museum.
Shepherdess in Northern Sala was displayed in “Along the River: 1976-2005 Oil painting Retrospect Exhibition” in Beijing Museum of Fine Arts
2005年 担任内蒙古师范大学美术学院客座教授、景德镇陶瓷文化研究所艺术顾问
2005年 景德镇陶瓷艺术博物馆举办陶瓷艺术展
2006 Visual art consultant of Inner Mongolia Association of Calligraphers
2006 Attended the donation ceremony of its large-scale work Embrace of Love in his hometown, Genhe.
Published Embrace of Love Album
Held personal exhibition of Embrace of Love in Deutsche Bundesbank, Berlin, Germany
2006年 担任内蒙古书法家协会视觉艺术顾问
2006年 在家乡¬——根河举行个人大型雕塑作品《爱拥》捐赠仪式
2007 Held personal exhibition of Spatial Characters in National Museum of Fine Arts. Three sculpture and painting works of Embrace of Love were collected by the museum.
Published Spatial Characters -Sculptures and Paintings of Liu Yonggang
Held personal exhibition of Spatial Characters -Sculptures and Paintings of Liu Yonggang in Zezhong Gallery, Beijing.
Held personal exhibition of Spatial Characters -Sculptures and Paintings of Liu Yonggang in Gendarmenmarkt Gallery, Germany.
2007年 中国美术馆举办以“站立的文字”为主题的雕塑绘画作品展并出版画集