

1969 Born in Shanghai

1989 Graduated from the senior high school of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts

1994 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Acade my of Fine Arts, B. A.

1997 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, M.A.
Currently lives in Shanghai, artist of X+Q Sculpture Studio

Solo Exhibitions

2008 The Power - Qu Guangci aura gallery Hong Kong

2007 Collectivism: Guabgci
2005 - 2007 Shanghai Zendal MOMA Shanghai
Last Supper - solo exhibition by Qu Guangci aura gallery Hong Kong

1998 Sculptures by Guangci Hallway Gallery, Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing

Group Exhibitions

2008 BANG! - Liu Dahong and Qu Guangci aura gallery beijing

2007 She & I China Square New York
ACAF New York 2007 New York
Art Singapore 2007 Singapore
Crazy aura gallery Shanghai
Calling a Stag a Horse San Shang Art Beijing
Escape by Crafty Scheme_salvation from traditional and revolutional language Nanjing Square Gallery Of Contemporary Art Nanjing
Drift-2007 Huadong Districts invited Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition Art Space of Fine
Arts college of Shanghai University Shanghai
Tanah Air: Seni Patung dan Lingkungan Pakuwon City Complex Surabaya Indonesia

2006 Soliloquy: China-Indonesia contemporary sculpture exhibition National Art Museum Jakarta
Fiction @ Love Museum of Contemporary Art/Bund 18 Creative Center Shanghai

2005 Sculpture a Century Shanghai Sculpture Space Shanghai

2004 Witness - Sculpture of Xiang Jing and Guangci He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen
China • Imagination: Chinese Contemporary Sculptural Art Jardin de Tuileries Paris
MMAC Art College / Performance Festival 2004 Aizu-Mishima Tokyo

2003 XII Inner Spaces multimedia festival CCA Inner Spaces Poznan Poland
Different Choices - born in the 60s Peninsula Gallery Shanghai
Sculpture by Xiang Jing and Guangci Casas-Museu da Taipa Macau
Shanghai Young Sculptors Invitation Exhibition Century Plaza Shanghai
Beijing Art Biennale Chinese National Art Gallery Beijing

2002 Rotate 180°Oriental Arts Gallery Shanghai
Guang Ci Xiang Jing 2002 - Box of Democracy Invisible Gallery Shanghai Normal University Shanghai

2001 2001 Salon d’Autumn Paris
Chinese Myths – Contemporary Art Exhibition Yidian Gallery Shanghai
People’s Gala – Venice Biennial Exhibition Invisible Gallery Shanghai
The 32nd Grosse Kunst Ausstellung Dusseldorf Eingang Nord Dusseldorf

2000 Youth Sculptor Invitation Exhibition co-organized by the West Lake Art Gallery, Shengzhen College of Sculpture and Tsingtao Sculpture Gallery China
Sea Level - Paintings & Sculptures Invitation Exhibition 2000 Liu-Haisu Art Museum Shanghai
Conversations with Henry Moore - Sculptures Invitation Exhibition Guangdong Art Gallery Guangzhou
1999 Work Road to Heaven won the 3rd prize in the 9th “Exhibition of National Fine Arts”
and became the collection of Chinese National Art Gallery Beijing
Chinese Sculptures Annual Exhibition He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen

1998 October Exhibition for Beijing Youth Sculptors Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing
1997 Sculpture Set of Tibet won the 2nd prize in the “Graduate Show of Central Academy of Fine Arts 1997”,and 2nd prize of “Okamatsu Family Fund, Japan”. It later became the collection of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing

1995 Exhibition for Young Artists across the World 1995 Contemporary Art Museum Beijing

1994 Work Streets won the 2nd prize in the “Graduate Show of Central Academy of Fine Arts 1994”
It later became the collection of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing China
Wangfujing won the Gold Medal in the 8th “Exhibition of National Fine Arts” National Fine Art Gallery Beijing

1993 Work Mother received the honour of distinction in the “65th Anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’
Speech at Yan‘an Art and Literature Seminar” cum art exhibition Chinese National Fine Arts Gallery Beijing


1969 生于上海

1989 浙江美术学院附中

1994 中央美术学院雕塑系, 获学士学位

1997 中央美术学院雕塑系, 获硕士学位

现居上海, X+Q雕塑工作室艺术家

Solo Exhibitions

2008 The Power - 瞿广慈 亦安画廊 香港

2007 集体主义-广慈作品2005 - 2007 上海•证大现代艺术馆 上海
最后的晚餐 亦安画廊 香港

1998 广慈雕塑展 通道画廊 北京

Group Exhibitions

2008 升堂 - 刘大鸿 瞿广慈 亦安画廊 北京

2007 She & I China Square 纽约
ACAF New York 2007 纽约
Art Singapore 2007 新加坡
Crazy 亦安画廊 上海
指鹿为马 三尚艺术 北京
金蝉脱壳 - 从传统和革命的语言拯救 四方当代美术馆 南京
和而不同 - 中国华东当代雕塑邀请展 上大美院艺术空间 上海
Tanah Air: Seni Patung dan Lingkungan Pakuwon City Complex 印度尼西亚苏腊巴亚

2006 独白 : 中国印度尼西亚当代雕塑展 印度尼西亚国家美术馆 雅加达
虚拟的爱 上海现代艺术馆 外滩18号创意中心 上海

2005 雕塑百年 上海城市雕塑艺术中心 上海

2004 目光所及 - 向京广慈雕塑展 何香凝美术馆 深圳

2003 XII Inner Spaces multimedia festival CCA Inner Spaces Poznan Poland
不同的选择 - 生于六十年代 半岛美术馆 上海
向京广慈雕塑展 龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆展览馆 澳门
上海青年雕塑作品邀请展 Century Plaza 上海
北京双年展 中国美术馆 北京

2002 旋转180度 中国文献展 上海
广慈向京 - 民主箱 无形画廊 上海

2001 巴黎秋季沙龙展
多塞尔多夫年度展 多塞尔多夫

2000 威尼斯双年展 - 人民的节日 无形画廊 上海
青年雕塑家邀请展 西湖美术馆 杭州
海平线 - 绘画雕塑联展 刘海粟美术 上海
与摩尔对话 - 雕塑邀请展 广东美术馆 广州

1999 天路 入选第九届全国美展 获铜奖 中国美术馆收藏 中国美术馆 北京
中国雕塑年度展 何香凝美术馆 深圳

1998 十月 - 北京青年雕塑家作品联展 中央美术学院画廊 北京

1997 西藏组雕 获 97中央美术学院毕业生作品展二等奖 日本冈松家族基金会二等奖 中央美术学院收藏 中央美术学院陈列馆 北京

1995 国际青年美术家交流展 当代美术馆 北京

1994 街道 获 94中央美术学院毕业生作品展二等奖 中央美术学院收藏 中央美术学院陈列馆 北京
王府井 获 第八届全国美展北京地区金奖 第八届全国美展优秀作品展大奖 中国美术馆 北京

1993 母 获全国纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话六十五周年美术作品展优秀作品奖 中国美术馆 北京



1969 Born in Shanghai

1989 Graduated from the senior high school of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts

1994 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Acade my of Fine Arts, B. A.

1997 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, M.A.
Currently lives in Shanghai, artist of X+Q Sculpture Studio

Solo Exhibitions

2008 The Power - Qu Guangci aura gallery Hong Kong

2007 Collectivism: Guabgci
2005 - 2007 Shanghai Zendal MOMA Shanghai
Last Supper - solo exhibition by Qu Guangci aura gallery Hong Kong

1998 Sculptures by Guangci Hallway Gallery, Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing

Group Exhibitions

2008 BANG! - Liu Dahong and Qu Guangci aura gallery beijing

2007 She & I China Square New York
ACAF New York 2007 New York
Art Singapore 2007 Singapore
Crazy aura gallery Shanghai
Calling a Stag a Horse San Shang Art Beijing
Escape by Crafty Scheme_salvation from traditional and revolutional language Nanjing Square Gallery Of Contemporary Art Nanjing
Drift-2007 Huadong Districts invited Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition Art Space of Fine
Arts college of Shanghai University Shanghai
Tanah Air: Seni Patung dan Lingkungan Pakuwon City Complex Surabaya Indonesia

2006 Soliloquy: China-Indonesia contemporary sculpture exhibition National Art Museum Jakarta
Fiction @ Love Museum of Contemporary Art/Bund 18 Creative Center Shanghai

2005 Sculpture a Century Shanghai Sculpture Space Shanghai

2004 Witness - Sculpture of Xiang Jing and Guangci He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen
China • Imagination: Chinese Contemporary Sculptural Art Jardin de Tuileries Paris
MMAC Art College / Performance Festival 2004 Aizu-Mishima Tokyo

2003 XII Inner Spaces multimedia festival CCA Inner Spaces Poznan Poland
Different Choices - born in the 60s Peninsula Gallery Shanghai
Sculpture by Xiang Jing and Guangci Casas-Museu da Taipa Macau
Shanghai Young Sculptors Invitation Exhibition Century Plaza Shanghai
Beijing Art Biennale Chinese National Art Gallery Beijing

2002 Rotate 180°Oriental Arts Gallery Shanghai
Guang Ci Xiang Jing 2002 - Box of Democracy Invisible Gallery Shanghai Normal University Shanghai

2001 2001 Salon d’Autumn Paris
Chinese Myths – Contemporary Art Exhibition Yidian Gallery Shanghai
People’s Gala – Venice Biennial Exhibition Invisible Gallery Shanghai
The 32nd Grosse Kunst Ausstellung Dusseldorf Eingang Nord Dusseldorf

2000 Youth Sculptor Invitation Exhibition co-organized by the West Lake Art Gallery, Shengzhen College of Sculpture and Tsingtao Sculpture Gallery China
Sea Level - Paintings & Sculptures Invitation Exhibition 2000 Liu-Haisu Art Museum Shanghai
Conversations with Henry Moore - Sculptures Invitation Exhibition Guangdong Art Gallery Guangzhou
1999 Work Road to Heaven won the 3rd prize in the 9th “Exhibition of National Fine Arts”
and became the collection of Chinese National Art Gallery Beijing
Chinese Sculptures Annual Exhibition He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen

1998 October Exhibition for Beijing Youth Sculptors Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing
1997 Sculpture Set of Tibet won the 2nd prize in the “Graduate Show of Central Academy of Fine Arts 1997”,and 2nd prize of “Okamatsu Family Fund, Japan”. It later became the collection of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing

1995 Exhibition for Young Artists across the World 1995 Contemporary Art Museum Beijing

1994 Work Streets won the 2nd prize in the “Graduate Show of Central Academy of Fine Arts 1994”
It later became the collection of Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing China
Wangfujing won the Gold Medal in the 8th “Exhibition of National Fine Arts” National Fine Art Gallery Beijing

1993 Work Mother received the honour of distinction in the “65th Anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’
Speech at Yan‘an Art and Literature Seminar” cum art exhibition Chinese National Fine Arts Gallery Beijing


1969 生于上海

1989 浙江美术学院附中

1994 中央美术学院雕塑系, 获学士学位

1997 中央美术学院雕塑系, 获硕士学位

现居上海, X+Q雕塑工作室艺术家

Solo Exhibitions

2008 The Power - 瞿广慈 亦安画廊 香港

2007 集体主义-广慈作品2005 - 2007 上海•证大现代艺术馆 上海
最后的晚餐 亦安画廊 香港

1998 广慈雕塑展 通道画廊 北京

Group Exhibitions

2008 升堂 - 刘大鸿 瞿广慈 亦安画廊 北京

2007 She & I China Square 纽约
ACAF New York 2007 纽约
Art Singapore 2007 新加坡
Crazy 亦安画廊 上海
指鹿为马 三尚艺术 北京
金蝉脱壳 - 从传统和革命的语言拯救 四方当代美术馆 南京
和而不同 - 中国华东当代雕塑邀请展 上大美院艺术空间 上海
Tanah Air: Seni Patung dan Lingkungan Pakuwon City Complex 印度尼西亚苏腊巴亚

2006 独白 : 中国印度尼西亚当代雕塑展 印度尼西亚国家美术馆 雅加达
虚拟的爱 上海现代艺术馆 外滩18号创意中心 上海

2005 雕塑百年 上海城市雕塑艺术中心 上海

2004 目光所及 - 向京广慈雕塑展 何香凝美术馆 深圳

2003 XII Inner Spaces multimedia festival CCA Inner Spaces Poznan Poland
不同的选择 - 生于六十年代 半岛美术馆 上海
向京广慈雕塑展 龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆展览馆 澳门
上海青年雕塑作品邀请展 Century Plaza 上海
北京双年展 中国美术馆 北京

2002 旋转180度 中国文献展 上海
广慈向京 - 民主箱 无形画廊 上海

2001 巴黎秋季沙龙展
多塞尔多夫年度展 多塞尔多夫

2000 威尼斯双年展 - 人民的节日 无形画廊 上海
青年雕塑家邀请展 西湖美术馆 杭州
海平线 - 绘画雕塑联展 刘海粟美术 上海
与摩尔对话 - 雕塑邀请展 广东美术馆 广州

1999 天路 入选第九届全国美展 获铜奖 中国美术馆收藏 中国美术馆 北京
中国雕塑年度展 何香凝美术馆 深圳

1998 十月 - 北京青年雕塑家作品联展 中央美术学院画廊 北京

1997 西藏组雕 获 97中央美术学院毕业生作品展二等奖 日本冈松家族基金会二等奖 中央美术学院收藏 中央美术学院陈列馆 北京

1995 国际青年美术家交流展 当代美术馆 北京

1994 街道 获 94中央美术学院毕业生作品展二等奖 中央美术学院收藏 中央美术学院陈列馆 北京
王府井 获 第八届全国美展北京地区金奖 第八届全国美展优秀作品展大奖 中国美术馆 北京

1993 母 获全国纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话六十五周年美术作品展优秀作品奖 中国美术馆 北京