

2007 - “安迪的恶作剧和游泳课”, 新北京画廊, 北京
- “安迪的恶作剧”, 斯民国际艺苑, 新加坡
2004 - “填鸭和修过指甲的贵妇狗” Jendala GalleryEsplande , 新加坡
- “一只大肥母鸡”, 变形虫, 新加坡
2001 - "四只眼,多云的天空", Atelier Frank & Lee, 新加坡
- "四只眼,多云的天空", TADU 艺术空间, 曼谷, 泰国
2000 - “禁足” , LIP, 日惹, 印尼.
1998 - "山牛奶工厂", Installation Telok Kurau 工作室画廊, 新加坡
1997 - 1998 - "山牛奶工厂", 在新加坡多处巡展
1996 - "落下的骨头, 饥饿的辣椒", 变电站画廊, 新加坡
1994 - "炒杂菜", 变电站画廊, 新加坡
1992 - "驴, 象和三足蟾蜍", Shenns画廊, 新加坡
1991 - "文森特? 莱昂近作", School 33 艺术中心, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州, 美国

2007 - “2007第52届威尼斯双年展”, 新加坡馆, 威尼斯
- “2007第3届贵阳当代艺术双年展”, 贵阳, 中国
2006 - “PRET A PORTER” , 变形虫, 新加坡
2005 - “2005年世界博览会”新加坡馆, 名古屋,日本
- “当代自画像/ 身份再认定, 新加坡当代艺术学院, LASALLE-SIA 艺术学院
- “准入” , 变形虫, 新加坡
2004 - “第11届亚洲艺术双年展”, Osmani 纪念堂, 孟加拉
2003 - “Boxed ll ”, 变形虫, 新加坡
- “RENGA 绘画”, 国家美术馆, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- “双边盟约”, 新加坡TAKSU 画廊,马来西亚吉隆坡
- “我就喜欢, 坐的艺术” Merlion Park, 新加坡
2002 - “ Boxed “ 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
- “暂停” 2002年光州双年展, 韩国
- “展示:拍卖” 变形虫, 新加坡
- “诺基亚新加坡艺术节”, 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
2001 - "造型作品" , 变形虫, 新加坡
- "平行世界III: 身体阶段III",变形虫, 新加坡
- "禁足, 时间停滞",变形虫, 新加坡
2000 - "BOXED 26x26",变形虫, 新加坡
- "平行世界" 项目304, 曼谷, 泰国
- "盛宴" 群展, 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "完形" Atelier Frank & Lee,新加坡
1999 - "刺激物" 雕塑广场, 新加坡
- "99诺基亚艺术节",变形虫及新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "平行世界", 在三个展场举办的群展
- "剪辑", 与新加坡及法国艺术家合作作品,新加坡
- "椅子", 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "易碎", 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "笔记本",变形虫, 新加坡
- 3位新加坡艺术家与3位法国艺术家, 新加坡法语联盟
- "艺术与政治", 新加坡法语联盟
- "艺术与政治", 塞勒斯,法国
- "动", 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "勇敢新世界", 斯民艺苑,新加坡
- "段落 II"群展,变形虫, 新加坡
1998 - "审查"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "曼谷艺术项目",曼谷
- "第二自然 : 新加坡城市景观", 中寰广场 香港
- "启动"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- “6x6x6” 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "共同的艺术财富", 国家美术馆, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- "艺术经验", UE 广场, 新加坡
- "500 及以下"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "近作"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "想象自我", 新加坡艺术博物馆,新加坡
1997 - "第9届印度当代艺术三年展",新德里, 印度
- "97新加坡艺术节", Suntec City, 新加坡
- "亚洲珠宝", Suntec City, 新加坡
- "艺术的力量", 组织者:变电站, CHIJMES 画廊, 新加坡
1996 - "壳牌发现艺术展", 河屋餐厅, 新加坡
- "月与星"展, 乌托邦画廊, 新加坡
- "表达", 千僖大道, 新加坡
- "选择",乌托邦画廊, 新加坡
- "300元" 展, 乌托邦画廊,新加坡
- "艺术之旅 !" 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
1995 - "清迈社会装置", Wat U-Mong 寺院, 清迈, 泰国
- "时间转换" 雕塑装置, 德国学校, 新加坡
- "与宇宙蜘蛛战斗", A & O画廊, 柏林,德国
- "95新加坡艺术节" ,雕塑装置, Suntec City, 新加坡
- "伟大的新加坡手工艺品展" , LaSalle 美术馆, 新加坡
- '像鸟一样攻击" 黑盒子, 剧院作品, 新加坡
1994 - "Para Values" 实地装置, Fort Canning 公园, 新加坡
- "新加坡 艺术之窗" 巡展, 中国大陆,香港,新加坡
1993 - "国际雕塑及绘画研讨会",古尔伯加, 印度
- "艺术在亚洲" 93新加坡 艺术节, 新加坡
- "SeptFest" 变电站美术馆, 新加坡
- "第5届福冈国际双年展", Tawara, 福冈, 日本
- "第2届雕塑研讨会", NAFA 美术馆, 新加坡
- "第1届当代艺术亚太三年展", 昆士兰, 布里斯班, 澳大利亚
- "ESPACE 3356" 法国艺术节展览, 新加坡
1992 - "表演艺术周", 21画廊, 新加坡
- "希望" 视觉艺术展, 第五通道画廊, 新加坡
1991 - "多元合一 :新加坡艺术25年” 华盛顿特区, 美国
- "马来西亚的入口" Bangunan Data Jaafar, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- "文森特? 莱昂与卢迪?纳德勒", 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
- "新加坡的城市艺术家"国家博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1990 - "ARTSCAPE 90" 戴克画廊, 巴尔的摩, 美国
- "眼 21" 艺术基地画廊, 新加坡
1989 - "素描展" 艺术家村, 新加坡
- "QU 艺术支持 II" QU 艺术空间, 香港
- " 新加坡当代艺术 " 荷兰, 联邦 德国
- "Two with a Cause", 国家美术馆, 新加坡
- "事件" 国立技术学院, 新加坡
- "人,物与形象89" 国家博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1988 - "艺术家村展" 工作室开放展, 艺术家村, 新加坡
- "第7届发现艺术展" Shell Tower, 新加坡
- "起源", 艺术焦点, 新加坡
1987 - "阴阳艺术节" 国立大学, 新加坡
- "国立博物馆百年展" 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1986 - "澳大利亚年轻艺术家奖"国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
- "第3届雕塑研修班展" LaSalle艺术学院, 新加坡
1985 - "第3届东盟绘画研修班展" 日惹, 印尼
- "第2届雕塑研修班" 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1995 - "鸡像森林里的柚木” 清迈, 泰国
- "派对与派对", NIE艺术节, 新加坡
- "有些蜘蛛只想玩得开心" , A & O 画廊, 柏林, 德国
1994 - "I, O, Bing Bong Bang" 国立博物馆, 新加坡
1993 - "我会做,你呢?"第2届雕塑研讨会, NAFA画廊, 新加坡
- "咖啡闲谈" ,第5通道美术馆, 新加坡
1992 - “ 三足蟾蜍" 空间,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "走木板的1000种方法"空间,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
1992 - "掩盖",与Zai Kuning合作,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "Shit Happens",与Zai Kuning合作,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "空间:牙齿之间" LaSalle 艺术学院, 新加坡
1991 - "5 个香蕉" ,国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1990 - "丛林大使" 与 Peter Chin合作的行为,
新加坡艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "严肃谈话" 与 Tang Da Wu合作, 新加坡艺术节
1989 - "友谊",与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 国立技术学院, 新加坡
- "帮助",与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 国立技术学院,新加坡
- "米歇尔",国立技术学院,新加坡
1988 - "艺术突击队员", 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
2007 - “友爱的小狗”, 8 Draycott Park, 新加坡
1999 - 红色数字, Kranji Turf 俱乐部, 新加坡
1999 - 2001 - 东北线 MRT 壁画, Lorong Buangkok Station, 新加坡
1996 - Merlion Tower - Water Feature at Merlion Walk 圣淘沙, 新加坡
1996 - "OPEL VECTRA 艺术车" 汽车绘画项目, 新加坡 Technologies
1990 - "梦想世界" 录象装置, 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
- "他们的" 雕塑项目,新加坡艺术节, 新加坡.
1989 - "绿袜子" 剧院作品项目,与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 新加坡
1989 - "爱与和平" Katong Convent 中学, 新加坡
- "艺术突击队员" 新加坡艺术节外围展, 新加坡
1987 - "海滩乐趣" 圣淘沙发展公司, 新加坡
1986 - "手" Marymount 修道院礼堂, 新加坡

2002 - JCCI 文化奖
2003 - NAC海外艺术奖学金
2000 - 联合国教科文组织ASCHBERG艺术家奖学金, 日惹, 印尼
1991 - Mount Royal 奖学金, 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1990 - Lee 基金会奖学金, 新加坡
- 新加坡文化艺术奖奖金, 新加坡
- Mount Royal奖学金, 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1989 - Lee 基金会奖学金,新加坡
- 新加坡文化艺术奖奖金,新加坡
1988 - Lee 基金会展览奖,新加坡
1987 - 一等奖, 圣淘沙雕塑设计竞赛, 新加坡

2005 - 美术博士, RMIT University, 墨尔本, 澳大利亚.
1991 - 美术硕士, 马里兰学院, Mount Royal
艺术研究生院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1985-87 - 美术与设计文凭, 修雕塑专业,获学分, LaSalle 艺术学院, 新加坡

新加坡 艺术博物馆,
新加坡 Turf Club,

UOB 银行, 新加坡,
德国银行, 新加坡,
Katong Convent 中学

2007 - “Andy’ Pranks and Swimming Lessons” Xin Beijing Gallery, Beijing, China
- “Andy’s Pranks” SooBin Art International, Singapore
2004 - "Mock Ducks and Manicured Poodles" Jendala Gallery@ Esplande , Singapore
- “A Big Fat Belly Hen”, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2001 - "FOUR EYES, CLOUDY SKIES", Atelier Frank & Lee, Singapore
- "FOUR EYES, CLOUDY SKIES", TADU Art Space, Bangkok, Thailand
2000 - “ Caged Feet “, LIP, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
1998 - "Mountian Cow Milk Factory", Installation Telok Kurau Studios Gallery, Singapore
1997 - 1998 - "Mountian Cow Milk Factory", various venues, Singapore
1996 - "Falling Bones, Hungry Chillies", Substation Gallery, Singapore
1994 - "CHOP SUEY" Substation Gallery, Singapore
1992 - "Donkeys, Elephants & The Three Legged Toad", Shenns Gallery, Singapore
1991 - "Vincent Leow : Recent Paintings", School 33 Art Centre, Baltimore, MD, USA

2007 - “52nd Venice Biennale 2007”, Singapore Pavilion, Venice.
- “3rd Gui Yang Biennale of Contemporary Art 2007”, GuiYang, China
2006 - “PRET A PORTER” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2005 - “WORLD EXPO 2005 Singapore pavilion, Nagoya Japan
- “Contemporary Self-Portraiture/Reassessing Identity, Institute of Contemporary Arts
Singapore,LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts
- “ACCESS” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2004 - “11th Asian Art Biennale” Osmani Memorial Hall, Bangladesh
2003 - “Boxed ll “ Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “RENGA Paintings” National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- “Bilateral Bonds” TAKSU Gallery, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- “I’m lovin’ it, SeatArt” Merlion Park, Singapore
2002 - “ Boxed “ Singapore Art Fair, Singapore
- “P.A.U.S.E” Gwanju Biennale 2002, Korea
- “Show: Auction” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “NOKIA Singapore Art” Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
2001 - "Plastic Works" Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "ParallelWORLD: Body Phase III", Plastique Kinetic Worm, Singapore
- "Caged Feet, Time Stall",, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2000 - "BOXED 26x26", Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "ParallelWorld" Project 304 Bangkok, Thailand
- "Feast" group exhibition, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "CONFIGURATION" Atelier Frank & Lee, Singapore
1999 - "Prvocative Things" Sculpture Square, Singapore
- "NOKIA Art 99", Plastique Kinetic Worms & Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "ParallelWORLD", a group exhibition involving 3 exhibition Sites
- "MIXAGE", collective project with Singapore & French artists, Singapore
- "Chair", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "CRISP", Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "Jotterbook", Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- 3 Singaporean & 3 French Artists, Alliance Francaise de Singapour
- "Art et Politique", Alliance Francaise de Singapour
- "Art et Politique", Sarcelles, France
- "Move", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Brave New World", Soobin Gallery, Singapore
- "Part II", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms,Singapore
1998 - "Censorship", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Bangkok Art Project", Bangkok
- "Second Nature : Cityscapes of Singapore", Central Plaza, Hong Kong
- "Launch" group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “6x6x6”, group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "A Common Wealth of Art", National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- "An Arts Experience", UE Square, Singapore
- "500 & Below", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Recent Works", Group exhibition at Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Imagining Self", Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
1997 - "9th Indian Trienale of contemporary art", New Dehli, India
- "Singapore Art 97", Suntec City, Singapore
- "Jewels of Asia", Suntec City, Singapore
- "Art Power", organised by The Substation, CHIJMES Gallery, Singapore
1996 - "Shell Grand Discovery Art Exhibition", River House Restaurant, Singapore
- "Moon & Star" Show, UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "Expressions", Millenia Walk, Singapore
- "Selections", UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "$300" Show”, UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "TOUR de ART LAH !" Singapore festival of the arts, Singapore.
1995 - "Chiang Mai Social Installation", Wat U-Mong Temple, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- "Shift of Time" sculpture Installation, German School, Singapore
- "Fighting The Universal Spider", A & O Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- "Singapore Art 95" Sculpture Installation, Suntec City, Singapore
- "The Great Singapore Kitsch Show" LaSalle Gallery, Singapore
- 'A FLOG OF BIRDIES" Black Box, TheatreWorks, Singapore
1994 - "Para Values" Site specific installation, Fort Canning Park, Singapore
- "Window on Singapore Art" travelling exhibition to China & Hong Kong, Singapore
1993 - "International Sculpture & Painting Symposium", Gulbarga, India
- "Art In Asia" Singapore Art Fair 93, Singapore
- "SeptFest" Substation Gallery, Singapore
- "5th Fukui International Binale", Tawara, Fukui City, Japan
- "2nd Sculpture Seminar", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
- "1st Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art", Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- "ESPACE 3356" French Festival Art Exhibition, Singapore
1992 - "Performance Art Week", Gallery 21, Singapore
- "HOPE" Visual Art Exhibition, 5th Passage Gallery, Singapore
1991 - "Many in One : Twenty-five Years of Art From Singapore Washington DC, USA
- "Gateway to Malaysia" Bangunan Data Jaafar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- "Vincent Leow & Rudy Nadler", Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
- "Urban Artists in Singapore" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - "ARTSCAPE 90" Decker Gallery, Baltimore, USA
- "EYE 21" ART Base Gallery, Singapore
1989 - "The Drawing Show" Artists Village, Singapore
- "QU ArtSupport II" QU Art Space, Hong Kong
- "Contemporary Art In Singapore " Netherlands & the Federal Republic of Germany
- "Two with a Cause", National Art Gallery, Singapore
- "The Happenings" National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "Man, Objects & Images 89" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1988 - "The Artists Village Show" open studio show, Artists Village, Singapore
- "7th Discovery Arts Exhibition" Shell Tower, Singapore
- "Genesis", Art Focus, Singapore
1987 - "Ying & Yang Art Festival" National University, Singapore
- "National Museum Centenary Exhibition" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1986 - "Australian Art Award for Young Artists" National Museum of Art Gallery, Singapore
- "3rd Sculpture Workshop & Exhibition" LaSalle College of Arts, Singapore
1985 - "3rd ASEAN Young Painting Workshop & Exhibition" Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- "2nd Sculpture Workshop & Exhibition" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore

1995 - "The Chickens Are Like The Teak Trees In The Forest” Chiang Mai, Thailand
- "Party & Party", NIE Art Festival, Singapore
- "Some Spiders Just Wanna Have Fun", , A & O Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1994 - "I, O, Bing Bong Bang" National Museum, Singapore
1993 - "I'll Do, Will You?" 2nd Sculpture Seminar, NAFA Gallery, Singapore
- "Coffee Talk" 5th Passage Art Gallery, Singapore
1992 - “ The Three Legged Toad" Space, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "1000 Ways To Walk A Plank" Space, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
1992 - "Cover Up",with Zai Kuning Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Shit Happens", with Zai Kuning, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Space : Between The Teeth" LaSalle College of Arts, Singapore
1991 - "5 Bananas" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - "Ambassador from the Woods" performance with Peter Chin,
Singapore Festival of arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Serious Conversation" with Tang Da Wu Singapore Festival of Arts
1989 - "Friendship" with Wong Shih Yaw, National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "HELP" with Wong Shih Yaw, National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "Michelle" National Technological Institute, Singapore
1988 - "Art Commandoes", Singapore Festival of the arts, Singapore


2007 - “Friendship Pups”, 8 Draycott Park, Singapore
1999 - Red Numbers, Kranji Turf Club, Singapore
1999 - 2001 - Northeast line MRT mural, Lorong Buangkok Station, Singapore
1996 - Merlion Tower - Water Feature at Merlion Walk Sentosa, Singapore
1996 - "OPEL VECTRA ART CAR" car painting project Singapore Technologies
1990 - "DREAM WORLD" video Installation, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
- "Their Piece" sculpture project Singapore Festival of Arts, Singapore.
1989 - "Green Socks" TheatreWorks project with Wong Shih Yaw, Singapore
1989 - "Love & Peace" Katong Convent Secondary School, Singapore
- "Art Commandoes" Singapore Festival of arts, Festival Fringe, Singapore
1987 - "Beach Fun" Sentosa Development Corporation, Singapore
1986 - "Hands" Marymount Convent Chapel, Singapore

2002 - JCCI Culture Award
2003 - NAC Oversea Arts Bursary
2000 - UNESCO-ASCHBERG Bursaries for Artists Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1991 - Mount Royal Scholarship, Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
1990 - Scholarship, Lee Foundation, Singapore
- Bursary, Singapore Cultural Arts Grant, Singapore
- Mount Royal Scholarship, Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
1989 - Scholarship, Lee Foundation, Singapore
- Bursary, Singapore Cultural Arts Grant, Singapore
1988 - Exhibition Grant, Lee Foundation, Singapore
1987 - First prize award, Sentosa Sculpture Design Competition, Singapore


2005 - Doctor in Fine Art, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
1991 - Masters in Fine Art 1991, Maryland Institute, Mount Royal
Graduate School of Art, Baltimore, USA
1985-87 - Diploma in Fine Art, Sculpture Major with Merit,
LaSalle College of Art, Singapore

Singapore Art Museum,
Singapore Turf Club,
Sentosa Development Corporations,Singapore
Land Transport Authority Singapore
UOB Bank Singapore,
Deutsche Bank Singapore,
Fukuoka Art Museum,
National Arts Council,
and Private Collectors



2007 - “安迪的恶作剧和游泳课”, 新北京画廊, 北京
- “安迪的恶作剧”, 斯民国际艺苑, 新加坡
2004 - “填鸭和修过指甲的贵妇狗” Jendala GalleryEsplande , 新加坡
- “一只大肥母鸡”, 变形虫, 新加坡
2001 - "四只眼,多云的天空", Atelier Frank & Lee, 新加坡
- "四只眼,多云的天空", TADU 艺术空间, 曼谷, 泰国
2000 - “禁足” , LIP, 日惹, 印尼.
1998 - "山牛奶工厂", Installation Telok Kurau 工作室画廊, 新加坡
1997 - 1998 - "山牛奶工厂", 在新加坡多处巡展
1996 - "落下的骨头, 饥饿的辣椒", 变电站画廊, 新加坡
1994 - "炒杂菜", 变电站画廊, 新加坡
1992 - "驴, 象和三足蟾蜍", Shenns画廊, 新加坡
1991 - "文森特? 莱昂近作", School 33 艺术中心, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州, 美国

2007 - “2007第52届威尼斯双年展”, 新加坡馆, 威尼斯
- “2007第3届贵阳当代艺术双年展”, 贵阳, 中国
2006 - “PRET A PORTER” , 变形虫, 新加坡
2005 - “2005年世界博览会”新加坡馆, 名古屋,日本
- “当代自画像/ 身份再认定, 新加坡当代艺术学院, LASALLE-SIA 艺术学院
- “准入” , 变形虫, 新加坡
2004 - “第11届亚洲艺术双年展”, Osmani 纪念堂, 孟加拉
2003 - “Boxed ll ”, 变形虫, 新加坡
- “RENGA 绘画”, 国家美术馆, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- “双边盟约”, 新加坡TAKSU 画廊,马来西亚吉隆坡
- “我就喜欢, 坐的艺术” Merlion Park, 新加坡
2002 - “ Boxed “ 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
- “暂停” 2002年光州双年展, 韩国
- “展示:拍卖” 变形虫, 新加坡
- “诺基亚新加坡艺术节”, 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
2001 - "造型作品" , 变形虫, 新加坡
- "平行世界III: 身体阶段III",变形虫, 新加坡
- "禁足, 时间停滞",变形虫, 新加坡
2000 - "BOXED 26x26",变形虫, 新加坡
- "平行世界" 项目304, 曼谷, 泰国
- "盛宴" 群展, 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "完形" Atelier Frank & Lee,新加坡
1999 - "刺激物" 雕塑广场, 新加坡
- "99诺基亚艺术节",变形虫及新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "平行世界", 在三个展场举办的群展
- "剪辑", 与新加坡及法国艺术家合作作品,新加坡
- "椅子", 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "易碎", 新加坡艺术博物馆, 新加坡
- "笔记本",变形虫, 新加坡
- 3位新加坡艺术家与3位法国艺术家, 新加坡法语联盟
- "艺术与政治", 新加坡法语联盟
- "艺术与政治", 塞勒斯,法国
- "动", 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "勇敢新世界", 斯民艺苑,新加坡
- "段落 II"群展,变形虫, 新加坡
1998 - "审查"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "曼谷艺术项目",曼谷
- "第二自然 : 新加坡城市景观", 中寰广场 香港
- "启动"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- “6x6x6” 群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "共同的艺术财富", 国家美术馆, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- "艺术经验", UE 广场, 新加坡
- "500 及以下"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "近作"群展, 变形虫, 新加坡
- "想象自我", 新加坡艺术博物馆,新加坡
1997 - "第9届印度当代艺术三年展",新德里, 印度
- "97新加坡艺术节", Suntec City, 新加坡
- "亚洲珠宝", Suntec City, 新加坡
- "艺术的力量", 组织者:变电站, CHIJMES 画廊, 新加坡
1996 - "壳牌发现艺术展", 河屋餐厅, 新加坡
- "月与星"展, 乌托邦画廊, 新加坡
- "表达", 千僖大道, 新加坡
- "选择",乌托邦画廊, 新加坡
- "300元" 展, 乌托邦画廊,新加坡
- "艺术之旅 !" 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
1995 - "清迈社会装置", Wat U-Mong 寺院, 清迈, 泰国
- "时间转换" 雕塑装置, 德国学校, 新加坡
- "与宇宙蜘蛛战斗", A & O画廊, 柏林,德国
- "95新加坡艺术节" ,雕塑装置, Suntec City, 新加坡
- "伟大的新加坡手工艺品展" , LaSalle 美术馆, 新加坡
- '像鸟一样攻击" 黑盒子, 剧院作品, 新加坡
1994 - "Para Values" 实地装置, Fort Canning 公园, 新加坡
- "新加坡 艺术之窗" 巡展, 中国大陆,香港,新加坡
1993 - "国际雕塑及绘画研讨会",古尔伯加, 印度
- "艺术在亚洲" 93新加坡 艺术节, 新加坡
- "SeptFest" 变电站美术馆, 新加坡
- "第5届福冈国际双年展", Tawara, 福冈, 日本
- "第2届雕塑研讨会", NAFA 美术馆, 新加坡
- "第1届当代艺术亚太三年展", 昆士兰, 布里斯班, 澳大利亚
- "ESPACE 3356" 法国艺术节展览, 新加坡
1992 - "表演艺术周", 21画廊, 新加坡
- "希望" 视觉艺术展, 第五通道画廊, 新加坡
1991 - "多元合一 :新加坡艺术25年” 华盛顿特区, 美国
- "马来西亚的入口" Bangunan Data Jaafar, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚
- "文森特? 莱昂与卢迪?纳德勒", 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
- "新加坡的城市艺术家"国家博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1990 - "ARTSCAPE 90" 戴克画廊, 巴尔的摩, 美国
- "眼 21" 艺术基地画廊, 新加坡
1989 - "素描展" 艺术家村, 新加坡
- "QU 艺术支持 II" QU 艺术空间, 香港
- " 新加坡当代艺术 " 荷兰, 联邦 德国
- "Two with a Cause", 国家美术馆, 新加坡
- "事件" 国立技术学院, 新加坡
- "人,物与形象89" 国家博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1988 - "艺术家村展" 工作室开放展, 艺术家村, 新加坡
- "第7届发现艺术展" Shell Tower, 新加坡
- "起源", 艺术焦点, 新加坡
1987 - "阴阳艺术节" 国立大学, 新加坡
- "国立博物馆百年展" 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1986 - "澳大利亚年轻艺术家奖"国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
- "第3届雕塑研修班展" LaSalle艺术学院, 新加坡
1985 - "第3届东盟绘画研修班展" 日惹, 印尼
- "第2届雕塑研修班" 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1995 - "鸡像森林里的柚木” 清迈, 泰国
- "派对与派对", NIE艺术节, 新加坡
- "有些蜘蛛只想玩得开心" , A & O 画廊, 柏林, 德国
1994 - "I, O, Bing Bong Bang" 国立博物馆, 新加坡
1993 - "我会做,你呢?"第2届雕塑研讨会, NAFA画廊, 新加坡
- "咖啡闲谈" ,第5通道美术馆, 新加坡
1992 - “ 三足蟾蜍" 空间,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "走木板的1000种方法"空间,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
1992 - "掩盖",与Zai Kuning合作,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "Shit Happens",与Zai Kuning合作,艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "空间:牙齿之间" LaSalle 艺术学院, 新加坡
1991 - "5 个香蕉" ,国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
1990 - "丛林大使" 与 Peter Chin合作的行为,
新加坡艺术节外围展, 新加坡
- "严肃谈话" 与 Tang Da Wu合作, 新加坡艺术节
1989 - "友谊",与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 国立技术学院, 新加坡
- "帮助",与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 国立技术学院,新加坡
- "米歇尔",国立技术学院,新加坡
1988 - "艺术突击队员", 新加坡艺术节, 新加坡
2007 - “友爱的小狗”, 8 Draycott Park, 新加坡
1999 - 红色数字, Kranji Turf 俱乐部, 新加坡
1999 - 2001 - 东北线 MRT 壁画, Lorong Buangkok Station, 新加坡
1996 - Merlion Tower - Water Feature at Merlion Walk 圣淘沙, 新加坡
1996 - "OPEL VECTRA 艺术车" 汽车绘画项目, 新加坡 Technologies
1990 - "梦想世界" 录象装置, 国立博物馆美术馆, 新加坡
- "他们的" 雕塑项目,新加坡艺术节, 新加坡.
1989 - "绿袜子" 剧院作品项目,与Wong Shih Yaw合作, 新加坡
1989 - "爱与和平" Katong Convent 中学, 新加坡
- "艺术突击队员" 新加坡艺术节外围展, 新加坡
1987 - "海滩乐趣" 圣淘沙发展公司, 新加坡
1986 - "手" Marymount 修道院礼堂, 新加坡

2002 - JCCI 文化奖
2003 - NAC海外艺术奖学金
2000 - 联合国教科文组织ASCHBERG艺术家奖学金, 日惹, 印尼
1991 - Mount Royal 奖学金, 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1990 - Lee 基金会奖学金, 新加坡
- 新加坡文化艺术奖奖金, 新加坡
- Mount Royal奖学金, 马里兰学院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1989 - Lee 基金会奖学金,新加坡
- 新加坡文化艺术奖奖金,新加坡
1988 - Lee 基金会展览奖,新加坡
1987 - 一等奖, 圣淘沙雕塑设计竞赛, 新加坡

2005 - 美术博士, RMIT University, 墨尔本, 澳大利亚.
1991 - 美术硕士, 马里兰学院, Mount Royal
艺术研究生院, 巴尔的摩, 美国
1985-87 - 美术与设计文凭, 修雕塑专业,获学分, LaSalle 艺术学院, 新加坡

新加坡 艺术博物馆,
新加坡 Turf Club,

UOB 银行, 新加坡,
德国银行, 新加坡,
Katong Convent 中学

2007 - “Andy’ Pranks and Swimming Lessons” Xin Beijing Gallery, Beijing, China
- “Andy’s Pranks” SooBin Art International, Singapore
2004 - "Mock Ducks and Manicured Poodles" Jendala Gallery@ Esplande , Singapore
- “A Big Fat Belly Hen”, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2001 - "FOUR EYES, CLOUDY SKIES", Atelier Frank & Lee, Singapore
- "FOUR EYES, CLOUDY SKIES", TADU Art Space, Bangkok, Thailand
2000 - “ Caged Feet “, LIP, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
1998 - "Mountian Cow Milk Factory", Installation Telok Kurau Studios Gallery, Singapore
1997 - 1998 - "Mountian Cow Milk Factory", various venues, Singapore
1996 - "Falling Bones, Hungry Chillies", Substation Gallery, Singapore
1994 - "CHOP SUEY" Substation Gallery, Singapore
1992 - "Donkeys, Elephants & The Three Legged Toad", Shenns Gallery, Singapore
1991 - "Vincent Leow : Recent Paintings", School 33 Art Centre, Baltimore, MD, USA

2007 - “52nd Venice Biennale 2007”, Singapore Pavilion, Venice.
- “3rd Gui Yang Biennale of Contemporary Art 2007”, GuiYang, China
2006 - “PRET A PORTER” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2005 - “WORLD EXPO 2005 Singapore pavilion, Nagoya Japan
- “Contemporary Self-Portraiture/Reassessing Identity, Institute of Contemporary Arts
Singapore,LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts
- “ACCESS” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2004 - “11th Asian Art Biennale” Osmani Memorial Hall, Bangladesh
2003 - “Boxed ll “ Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “RENGA Paintings” National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- “Bilateral Bonds” TAKSU Gallery, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- “I’m lovin’ it, SeatArt” Merlion Park, Singapore
2002 - “ Boxed “ Singapore Art Fair, Singapore
- “P.A.U.S.E” Gwanju Biennale 2002, Korea
- “Show: Auction” Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “NOKIA Singapore Art” Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
2001 - "Plastic Works" Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "ParallelWORLD: Body Phase III", Plastique Kinetic Worm, Singapore
- "Caged Feet, Time Stall",, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
2000 - "BOXED 26x26", Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "ParallelWorld" Project 304 Bangkok, Thailand
- "Feast" group exhibition, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "CONFIGURATION" Atelier Frank & Lee, Singapore
1999 - "Prvocative Things" Sculpture Square, Singapore
- "NOKIA Art 99", Plastique Kinetic Worms & Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "ParallelWORLD", a group exhibition involving 3 exhibition Sites
- "MIXAGE", collective project with Singapore & French artists, Singapore
- "Chair", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "CRISP", Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
- "Jotterbook", Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- 3 Singaporean & 3 French Artists, Alliance Francaise de Singapour
- "Art et Politique", Alliance Francaise de Singapour
- "Art et Politique", Sarcelles, France
- "Move", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Brave New World", Soobin Gallery, Singapore
- "Part II", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms,Singapore
1998 - "Censorship", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Bangkok Art Project", Bangkok
- "Second Nature : Cityscapes of Singapore", Central Plaza, Hong Kong
- "Launch" group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- “6x6x6”, group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "A Common Wealth of Art", National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- "An Arts Experience", UE Square, Singapore
- "500 & Below", group exhibition, Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Recent Works", Group exhibition at Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore
- "Imagining Self", Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
1997 - "9th Indian Trienale of contemporary art", New Dehli, India
- "Singapore Art 97", Suntec City, Singapore
- "Jewels of Asia", Suntec City, Singapore
- "Art Power", organised by The Substation, CHIJMES Gallery, Singapore
1996 - "Shell Grand Discovery Art Exhibition", River House Restaurant, Singapore
- "Moon & Star" Show, UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "Expressions", Millenia Walk, Singapore
- "Selections", UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "$300" Show”, UTOPIA Gallery, Singapore
- "TOUR de ART LAH !" Singapore festival of the arts, Singapore.
1995 - "Chiang Mai Social Installation", Wat U-Mong Temple, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- "Shift of Time" sculpture Installation, German School, Singapore
- "Fighting The Universal Spider", A & O Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- "Singapore Art 95" Sculpture Installation, Suntec City, Singapore
- "The Great Singapore Kitsch Show" LaSalle Gallery, Singapore
- 'A FLOG OF BIRDIES" Black Box, TheatreWorks, Singapore
1994 - "Para Values" Site specific installation, Fort Canning Park, Singapore
- "Window on Singapore Art" travelling exhibition to China & Hong Kong, Singapore
1993 - "International Sculpture & Painting Symposium", Gulbarga, India
- "Art In Asia" Singapore Art Fair 93, Singapore
- "SeptFest" Substation Gallery, Singapore
- "5th Fukui International Binale", Tawara, Fukui City, Japan
- "2nd Sculpture Seminar", NAFA Gallery, Singapore
- "1st Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art", Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- "ESPACE 3356" French Festival Art Exhibition, Singapore
1992 - "Performance Art Week", Gallery 21, Singapore
- "HOPE" Visual Art Exhibition, 5th Passage Gallery, Singapore
1991 - "Many in One : Twenty-five Years of Art From Singapore Washington DC, USA
- "Gateway to Malaysia" Bangunan Data Jaafar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- "Vincent Leow & Rudy Nadler", Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
- "Urban Artists in Singapore" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - "ARTSCAPE 90" Decker Gallery, Baltimore, USA
- "EYE 21" ART Base Gallery, Singapore
1989 - "The Drawing Show" Artists Village, Singapore
- "QU ArtSupport II" QU Art Space, Hong Kong
- "Contemporary Art In Singapore " Netherlands & the Federal Republic of Germany
- "Two with a Cause", National Art Gallery, Singapore
- "The Happenings" National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "Man, Objects & Images 89" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1988 - "The Artists Village Show" open studio show, Artists Village, Singapore
- "7th Discovery Arts Exhibition" Shell Tower, Singapore
- "Genesis", Art Focus, Singapore
1987 - "Ying & Yang Art Festival" National University, Singapore
- "National Museum Centenary Exhibition" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1986 - "Australian Art Award for Young Artists" National Museum of Art Gallery, Singapore
- "3rd Sculpture Workshop & Exhibition" LaSalle College of Arts, Singapore
1985 - "3rd ASEAN Young Painting Workshop & Exhibition" Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- "2nd Sculpture Workshop & Exhibition" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore

1995 - "The Chickens Are Like The Teak Trees In The Forest” Chiang Mai, Thailand
- "Party & Party", NIE Art Festival, Singapore
- "Some Spiders Just Wanna Have Fun", , A & O Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1994 - "I, O, Bing Bong Bang" National Museum, Singapore
1993 - "I'll Do, Will You?" 2nd Sculpture Seminar, NAFA Gallery, Singapore
- "Coffee Talk" 5th Passage Art Gallery, Singapore
1992 - “ The Three Legged Toad" Space, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "1000 Ways To Walk A Plank" Space, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
1992 - "Cover Up",with Zai Kuning Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Shit Happens", with Zai Kuning, Arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Space : Between The Teeth" LaSalle College of Arts, Singapore
1991 - "5 Bananas" National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
1990 - "Ambassador from the Woods" performance with Peter Chin,
Singapore Festival of arts Festival Fringe, Singapore
- "Serious Conversation" with Tang Da Wu Singapore Festival of Arts
1989 - "Friendship" with Wong Shih Yaw, National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "HELP" with Wong Shih Yaw, National Technological Institute, Singapore
- "Michelle" National Technological Institute, Singapore
1988 - "Art Commandoes", Singapore Festival of the arts, Singapore


2007 - “Friendship Pups”, 8 Draycott Park, Singapore
1999 - Red Numbers, Kranji Turf Club, Singapore
1999 - 2001 - Northeast line MRT mural, Lorong Buangkok Station, Singapore
1996 - Merlion Tower - Water Feature at Merlion Walk Sentosa, Singapore
1996 - "OPEL VECTRA ART CAR" car painting project Singapore Technologies
1990 - "DREAM WORLD" video Installation, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore
- "Their Piece" sculpture project Singapore Festival of Arts, Singapore.
1989 - "Green Socks" TheatreWorks project with Wong Shih Yaw, Singapore
1989 - "Love & Peace" Katong Convent Secondary School, Singapore
- "Art Commandoes" Singapore Festival of arts, Festival Fringe, Singapore
1987 - "Beach Fun" Sentosa Development Corporation, Singapore
1986 - "Hands" Marymount Convent Chapel, Singapore

2002 - JCCI Culture Award
2003 - NAC Oversea Arts Bursary
2000 - UNESCO-ASCHBERG Bursaries for Artists Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1991 - Mount Royal Scholarship, Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
1990 - Scholarship, Lee Foundation, Singapore
- Bursary, Singapore Cultural Arts Grant, Singapore
- Mount Royal Scholarship, Maryland Institute, Baltimore, USA
1989 - Scholarship, Lee Foundation, Singapore
- Bursary, Singapore Cultural Arts Grant, Singapore
1988 - Exhibition Grant, Lee Foundation, Singapore
1987 - First prize award, Sentosa Sculpture Design Competition, Singapore


2005 - Doctor in Fine Art, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
1991 - Masters in Fine Art 1991, Maryland Institute, Mount Royal
Graduate School of Art, Baltimore, USA
1985-87 - Diploma in Fine Art, Sculpture Major with Merit,
LaSalle College of Art, Singapore

Singapore Art Museum,
Singapore Turf Club,
Sentosa Development Corporations,Singapore
Land Transport Authority Singapore
UOB Bank Singapore,
Deutsche Bank Singapore,
Fukuoka Art Museum,
National Arts Council,
and Private Collectors