

Bird Head is a collective of artists whos oevre consist of photographic captures of everyday life in their native city Shanghai. The snap-shot aesthetic of their extensive and accumulative photo-series (b/w as well as colour) deliver a subjective and un-retouched take on urban reality today.

“I often feel that November belongs to a boy with his trouser pockets filled with roasted chestnut, wearing a thin shirt in the chilly wind, and walking aggressively and bravely. Long time ago, before Starbucks, McDonald’s and Dolby-surrounding cinemas. Thus, in numerous sunny November days, the idle boys had to wander in groups across the streets, fiercely and energetically. And seemingly, our Shanghai grows in their wandering and repeated stare. The dark-green scaffolds are removed and mounted; the cement columns of the viaducts silently form the shade over our heads; large landscape across the old houses that have witnessed our birth; during typhoon season, the ferry dock trembles in the Huangpu River; at midnight, earthwork trucks run across the void roads. Tank cars. Roses. Ruins. Fountains. Fireworks. It takes too long and the night is near. They almost cross the entire Shanghai, when the columns of the viaducts are occupied by green Boston ivy.

Our hearts are filled with huge amount of love and sadness.
Afterwards, there are metro and light rail, crossing through Shanghai under the ground or in the sky. Time passes too quickly for us to make a revolutionary posture. No time for questions and hesitation. There’s a voice pushing us, following the boy with chestnuts, wandering aggressively and aimlessly, to witness what shadow our Shanghai will create and when the ivy will cover all the roads.”
Bird Head, artists statement, 2004-2005

Ji Weiyu (1980) and Song Tao (1979) were both born in Shanghai where the artists today also reside and work. The artists graduated from the Shanghai Arts and Carafts School (2000). Recent exhibitions include China Power Station II, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway (2007), Bird Head 2006-2007 Photography Show, BizArt Art Center, Shanghai, China (2007), and Individual Position II, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai, China (2007).


基本资料 1980 季炜煜生于上海
1979 宋涛生于上海

教育 2000 季炜煜毕业于上海市工艺美校

个展 2008 风景, 香格纳在淮海路796号,上海
风景-鸟头个展, 香格纳F空间,上海
2007 鸟头2006+2007-宋涛、季炜煜摄影作品展, 上海比翼艺术中心, 上海
2005 鸟头2004-2005-宋涛,季炜煜摄影作品展, 香格纳H空间,上海

群展 2009 当代中国-欲望的边缘, Max Lang 画廊,纽约,美国
品-香格纳影像资料库艺术家群展, 香格纳北京
2008 杂. 混. 合. 物. 种, 香格纳在淮海路796号,上海
“失眠”摄影展, 比翼艺术中心
他人的世界 - 当代艺术展, 上海当代艺术馆
艺术多元2008, 可.当代艺术中心,上海
中国新摄影-中国新摄影的调查, 香港艺穗会,香港艺术中心
Videotheque at ShanghART Shanghai and ShanghART Beijing, 视频站
2007 香格纳秋季群展, 香格纳画廊主空间,上海
庆-中国当代摄影艺术展, 爱普生影艺坊
中国发电站:第二部分, ASTRUP FEARNLEY现代美术馆, 奥斯陆, 挪威
个人的态度2-录像、照片与装置展, 香格纳H空间,上海
2005 第一届连州国际摄影节-双重视野:从连州出发, 连州文化广场, 连州, 广东

项目 2008 鸟头限量2006画册网上预售,