



  Born in 1943 in Pei County, Jiangsu Province, China. Zhao Xucheng has become a contemporary master of traditional Chinese painting. After graduating from the Fine Arts department of Nanjing Normal University, he has been releasing hundreds of theses, and has had numerous works in exhibitions, in art publications, and his master works have been collected by celebrities all over the world, like the former US President Bill Clintion, Dutch Queen Beatrix, British Prime Minister and the Chief Executive of Hong Kong etc. He has mounted many solo exhibitions both at home and abroad, and published dozens of books, such as The Paintings Collections by Zhao Xucheng and The Calligraphy Collections by Zhao Xucheng. He is especially skilled in Feitian, (Flying Apsaras). Wu Ti ( “ No Title ” ),Da Tang Yin Yun Tu ( “ The Painting of Prosperity of Tang Dynasty ” ) have won Excellence Awards in the National Art Exhibition, and his Tian Nv Tu ( “ The painting of the Goddess ” ) and Shu Fa ( “ Calligraphy ” ) have won the most Honorable Awards in Jiangsu Provincial Festival of Fine Arts. He is the current vice director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture, director of Jiangsu Provincial Chinese Painting Institute and vice chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Literature,executive member of China Fine Arts Association and China Calligraphy Association, national art exhibition judge. He has been awarded with the State Council Specialist Allowance.


赵绪成   发表学术论文百余篇,有大量作品在国内外展出、出版   其作品为美国前总统克林顿、荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝、英国首相、香港特首等政要收藏   多次举办个人展并出版《赵绪成画集》、《赵绪成书法卷》等十余部著作,以画飞天名世   《无题》、《大唐音韵图》等作品获全国美展优秀奖   《天女图》、《书法》获首届江苏省美术节“最高荣誉奖”   现任江苏省国画院院长、江苏省文联副主席、中国美术家协会理事、中国书法家协会理事、全国美展评委。享受国务院特殊津贴专家。