

1967       生于北京
1987 - 91      毕业于北京师范学院(现首都师范大学)美术系中国画专业,并获文学学士学位
2003       中央美术学院中国画系攻读博士学位 
目前        任教于北京教育学院


2010        空城计 , 万玉堂画廊, 香港
2009        空城计 , Le Feuvre Gallery, 巴黎
2008        游园惊梦,红门画廊
2007        逍遥游,798 Avant画廊,纽约
2005        声色江湖 (2),红门画廊
 声色江湖 (1),中国当代画廊,伦敦
2004        回忆,Qing Ping 画廊,波士顿
2002        红界,红门画廊
2001        京城夜,中国当代画廊,伦敦
1999         穿墙而过,中国当代画廊,伦敦
1997        边缘,中国当代画廊,伦敦
1996        浮动 – 小幅作品展,北京塔园
1994        吕鹏小幅作品展,北京名筑画廊
1991        小幅中国画展,北京友谊宾馆


2010        虚幻江湖,木兰画廊 新加坡
2009        活墨生香 – 当代水墨邀请展, 对画空间 北京
 中间 – 中澳当代艺术巡回展,北京、天津、厦门、澳大利亚
 天工开物 – 新知识分子艺术家作品展,中国美术馆
 虚幻江湖,木兰画廊 新加坡
 水 – 色,今日美术馆
2008        画中有话,对画艺术空间
 纸本,Catherine Schubert Fine Art, Bangkok
 Go Game 奥林匹克艺术主题展,北京
 新年作品展,Robischon画廊 Denver

2006        亚洲电影节中国当代艺术特展,Deauville France
2007       杰出亚洲艺术双年展, 杰出亚洲艺术基金会, 香港
                                中国制造 – 来自中国的青年艺术家,Opera画廊,英国伦敦
                                雷达 – 中国当代艺术收藏展,丹佛博物馆,美国
                                渡 – 当代水墨方式邀请展,天津美术学院美术馆
2005        感官,红门画廊
                                 Les Cent Fleurs,法国 Villa Tamaris Center d’Art
2004        北京中鸿信秋季中国当代油画拍卖会
                                 法国巴黎Drouot Montaigne艺术品拍卖会
                                 中国工笔画精品邀请展, 北京国际艺苑美术馆
                                 暄嚣与空灵11 + 1,中国艺术景画廊,上海
2003        微观与精致,中国美术馆,北京
                                 “五•四 ”青年美术节,今日美术馆
2002        北京中鸿信春季中国当代油画拍卖会
2001        中国神话,上海易典画廊
                                 迹象未来 -  红门画廊十周年展,红门画廊
2000        弦外之音  – 中国当代艺术作品展,Mosman画廊,悉尼
1999        透明不透明 – 欧洲巡回展,ACACA,巴黎
                                 China 46 – 中国当代艺术作品展 (2),艺术无国界艺术中心,墨尔本
                                 China 46  – 中国当代艺术作品展 (1),台湾霍克艺术会馆,上海
                                1998 5000 + 10  – 中国当代艺术作品展,西班牙
                                 黑与白  – 中国当代画家作品展,中国当代画廊,伦敦
                                 “风尘三闲  ”的历险 – 第四次艺术作品展,Lamont 画廊,波士顿
                                 弦外之音 – 青年艺术作品展,北京丽都明珠画廊
1997        生活在边缘 – 青年艺术作品展,北京丽都明珠画廊
                                 中国当代艺术家画展, 中国当代画廊,伦敦
                                 风尘三闲的的历险 – 风尘三闲第三次艺术作品展,Arvada 中心,美国
1995        生活在边缘 – 风尘三闲第二次艺术作品展,北京国际艺苑美术馆
                                 中国水墨小作品展,Soobin Art 画廊,新加坡
1994         风尘三闲艺术作品展,北京当代美术馆
1993        风尘三闲初试剑艺术展,北京塔园
1991        北京当代水墨画青年展,北京当代美术馆



1967 Born in Beijing, China
1987-91 Beijing Teachers Training College (renamed Capital Normal University)
 Dept. of Fine Arts, Bachelor Degree of Arts
2003 PHD Student at Chinese Painting Dept., Central Academy of Fine
 Arts (CAFA); Beijing
Present:      Teacher at Fine Arts Dept. of Beijing College of Education

Solo Exhibitions      
2010 Empty City , Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong
2009 Empty City,  Le Feuvre Gallery, Paris
2008 Lv Peng, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing
2007 Wandering at Ease (2), 798 Avant Gallery, New York
 Wandering at Ease, Plum Blossoms, Hongkong
2005 A Fighting World of Female Beauty (2), Red Gate Gallery
 A Fighting World of Female Beauty (1), Chinese Contemporary, London
2004 Memory, Qing Ping Gallery, Boston
2002 Realm of Red, Red Gate Gallery
2001 Capital Night, Red Gate Gallery
 Capital Night, Chinese Contemporary
1999 Through the Wall, Chinese Contemporary
1997 The Edge, Chinese Contemporary
1996 Floating - Small Works, Tayuan Apartments Block, Beijing
1994 Lu Peng- Small Works, Mingzhu Gallery, Beijing
1991 Chinese Small Works, Friendship Hotel, Beijing

Group Exhibitions

2010 Illusory Worlds(2), Mulan Gallery, Singapore
 Hong Kong Art Fair (10), Hong Kong
 Yellow Gate, Gwangju Museum Art, Gwangju
 Acadmic Classics Exhibition of Meticulous Paper Works, Hubei Museum of Art
2009 Water and Color, Today Art Museum
 Hong Kong Art Fair, Hong Kong
 Midway China Tour, Beijng, Tianjing, Xiamen, Shanghai
 Midway Australian Tour, Wollongong, Sydney
 Illusory Worlds, Mulan Gallery, Singapore
 From Nature to Mind, China National Museum of Art, Beijing
 Scent of Ink, Dialogue Space of Art, Beijing
 Academic Chinese Painting, Gallery of National Academy of Fine Art, Beijing
 Miniature & Delicacies, Zhejiang Museum of Art, Hangzhou
2008 Telltale Paintings, Dialogue Space of Art, Beijing
 Art Asia Art Fair, Miami
 Orient Imagination 2008, The Wall Art Museum
 Chinese Inks, Catherine Schubert Fine Art, Bangkok
 30 years in Chinese Contemporary Art, National Theatre
 Assembling Under the Five Rings, Art Media Center
 Go Game Beijing, Soemo
 Red Gate Stars, Red Gate Gallery
 SCOPE, New York
 Contemporary Asian Art Exhibition, Robischon Gallery, Denver
 Document of Chinese Contemporary Art, Wall Art Museum, Beijing
2007               Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Deauville Asian Film Festival,                     
                       The Sovereign Asia Art Prize Finalists Exhibition, Sovereign Art Exhibition,                                      Hong Kong
                       The Chinese Contemporary Art Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston                        
2006 Red Gate Gallery’s 15th Anniversary
 Melbourne Art Fair, Melbourne
 New Ink Painting, Zhu Qizhan Art Gallery, Shanghai
 China International Art Gallery Expo, China World Trade Center, Beijing
 Oriental Imagination, National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Beijing
 Visual Contemporary, Millennium Art Museum of China, Beijing
2005 Observing the Senses, Red Gate Gallery
 Portrait Paintings from Collage Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing 
 Frontline, Plum Blossoms, Hong Kong
 New Generation, Goedhuis Gallery, New York
 Les Cent Fleurs, Villa Tamaris Center d’Art, France
2004 Beijing Zhong Hongxin Autumn Chinese Oil Painting Auction
 Paris Drouot Montaigne Arts Auction, France
 Chinese Fine Art, International Art Palace, Beijing
 Crowds and Voids 11 + 1, Art Scene China Gallery, Shanghai
2003 Microcosmic and Delicate, NAMOC
 2nd Chinese Art Exhibition, Xinghai International Exhibition Centre, Dalian
 Harmony / Unusual, International Art Palace
 Festival of Youth’s Art, Today Art Gallery
2002 Beijing Zhong Hongxin Spring Chinese Oil Painting Auction
 Chinese Art of the Contemporary, Piltzer, Paris
2001 Legend of China, Yi Dian Gallery, Shanghai
 China Contemporary Fine Art, NAMOC
 Clues to the Future – Red Gate Gallery’s 10th Anniversary
 Past – Present, Art Center of Silpakorn University, Bangkok 
2000 Between the Lines, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney
1999 Transparent, Opacity? 14 Artists Contemporairis Chinois, ACACA, Paris
 China 46 Contemporary Chinese Art (2), Melbourne
 China 46 Contemporary Chinese Art (1), Taiwan Hoke Art Gallery, Shanghai
1998 5000 + 10 Chinese Art, Bilbo, Spain
 Black & White, Chinese Contemporary
 New Art from the PR of China, Lamont Gallery, Boston
 Between the Lines, Lee Gallery & Studio Lido Park, Beijing
1997 Adventures of the Three Travel Weary Loafers 3, Arvada Center, Colorado
 Life on the Fringe, Lee, Gallery & Studio Lido Park, Beijing
 Contemporary Chinese Art, Chinese Contemporary, London
1995 Life on the Edge, Three Travel Weary Loafers 2, International Art Palace
 Small Chinese Inks, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore
1994 Three Travel Weary Loafers 1, Beijing Contemporary Arts
1993 Three Travel Weary Loafers’  Preliminary Exhibition, Tower Garden, Beijing
 Chinese Art of the 1990s, Chinese History Museum, Beijing
1991 Young Artists, CAFA
 Ink Paintings from Young Artists, Beijing Contemporary Arts

Collections in Germany, U.S.A., Shenzhen, France, Australia, Austria, Germany,
Hong Kong and also a lot of private collections.

