



展览地址:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆一号展厅、二号展厅、图书馆





富有知觉的思想(作为艺术表现中的思想应该知觉化)来源于经验,技术也是一种经验,艺术构成中的这双重经验需要漫长的时间、借鉴、碰撞,并在虔诚的执著陪伴下才能达致某种成熟度,对艺术生成实质性的影响。Conscious thinking (as the idea expressed in art should be realized in consciousness) comes from experience, so are techniques. To form such dual experiences in art construction requires a lot of time to think and find inspiration with almost religious piety. It is very difficult to achieve any degree of maturity and have an actual impact on art production.
What Shangyuan Art Museum have been constructing and practicing are exactly the interaction, permeation and mutual inspiration of these dual experiences among different artists, even among artists from different discipline. Of course, not all can be achieved here. But if you pay enough attention, here can be one of the most important stop of your career as an artist. To be more precise, Shangyuan Art Museum is not utopia, but she is the one that closest to utopia. The infrastructure can be improved, and resident artists should make better use of the resources here. However, what makes here special is the rare presence of freedom. She, as a private organization with very transparent management, protects the freedom of communication among individuals. That is also why Shangyuan became a sanctuary for artists to work, develop and interact with each other. You can spare more time to learn from others, or just stay inside and do some soul searching. Except from compulsory group activities, nobody will force you to do anything. What you want to do during the residency programme is essentially up to yourself. Let me clear, this is not a platform for you to get famous, but a place where you can start, transform or mature yourself and quest for the dual experiences as an artist. This is some of my experience as a resident artist here.
As the biggest nonprofit residency programme in the world, 2016 International Residency Programme Annual Exhibition is a very important part of Shangyuan Art Museum’s annual residency programme. It is also a chance for self-reflection for resident artists.
Every year, artists from all around the world come and go. Among them, there are those eccentric ones, ones with great talent, helpful ones, selfish ones, dreamers, hard workers and the ones that you befriend with. We talk, discuss, drink alcohol, enjoy tea, stare at blank wall and work. 
The museum for many years is providing timely help to needed artists, even though there are rarely any payback. For artists, come here and gain experiences that can make leave a trace in their memory is already worth it.
The gaze of inspection in an exhibition is also encouragement, through which you can look back at yourself and seek a peaceful ending which will allow you to find a new start. There is an old saying in China:” Let’s forget ourselves in the rivers and lakes”. In fact, have we ever forget those who left a trace in our life? We come and go, the memory is still fresh. What we have taken and left is not only art, but piece of life.
This is the 9th year of Shangyuan Art Museum’s International Residency Programme.\作为艺术驻留的专业机构,随着国际知名度的不断提高,每年都有20多个不同国家的艺术家申请上苑的艺术驻留。今年有7个国家与地区的38名艺术家,诗人、音乐家、画家、雕塑家、行为……齐集一堂。6个月过去了,现在是展出他们成果的时候。欢迎大家前往观看。 
As an organization specialized in residency programme, we are gaining international recognition every year. Annually we receive applications from artists from over 20 countries. This year, we have 38 artists from 7 different countries and regions, among them there are painters, poets, musicians, sculptors and etc. Now the 6-month residency period has passed, it is time for time to show everyone what they have achieved here. We warmly welcome everyone come and see the exhibition.

