






参展艺术家:迟阿娟、陈曦、董瑾、邓筱、董小闻、符曦、郭建婷、郭燕、何琳琳、胡顺香、蒋兴、蒋雨、康妮 、吕康佑、骆莉、 罗敏、李如碧、孙嘉旋、吴江涛、王瑋、王小双、小满、熊璇、谢正莉、杨柳、袁晓天、赵欢、雷、曾妮、朱可染



世界总有遗憾,她们常被批判,理解与冰释总是姗姗来迟,于是她们变得越发坚强。发声者不是观念和标准的代言人,她们接受,但不盲从;她们世俗,但不取悦。透过浮光,看到世事的沧桑,感受内心的满足:在光怪陆离的世界里,不屑于站队道德立场,只做纯粹的自己。有梦,但无需太大,要成功,但美在更多可能性。任由心动,凝视人生。 The world looms with regrets. She, the target of criticisms, is forged strong by her constant encounters of belated understanding. The one who speaks, is not emblematic of concepts and standards. She acknowledges but does not conform. She lives in the mundane but remains unseized. Lookingbeyond the vicissitudes of the world and through its glistening lights, shefeels her heart graced by serenity. She stands unhinged on moral grounds,attests to herself in this tangled world. She embraces all aspirations,regardless of the magnitude; and looks forward to success for the wealth ofprospects it carries. The heart stirs unattached while the gaze rests uponlife. 女性需要一种全新的生存文化,让她们的生命之旅享有更多机会,和多样性。那么,该如何打造这种文化?相信最重要的,是必须与朋友、同事、家人携起手来,共同打造一个全新的文化社区——既认可现有文化提出的远大目标,又承认实现目标的途径不止一条。无论如何,当下社会对女性的要求都要更高。有一个故事,一个5岁的小女孩参加完课外活动后,沮丧地回到家,跟妈妈说她和她喜欢的男孩都想当宇航员,妈妈不明白为什么这会让她困扰。小女孩回答说,如果我们一起上太空了,谁来照顾我们的孩子呢?一个5岁的孩子,就已经认为飞上太空最大的挑战就是如何照看孩子了。女孩在很小的时候,就明白今后要在发展事业和照顾家庭之间做出选择,这种想法,将决定女性在事业上是否能够全力以赴。养儿育女,就是养育社会本身,是一项崇高但是没有收益的事业。社会由家庭组成,使家庭和谐,女人起到重要作用,社会因此和谐。女性的特质,使她们更崇高,并成为一种宗教:女性是爱情的火种,是家庭的根基,是未来的摇篮。即便如此,社会一方面对女性是宽容的,另一方面也是苛责的,她们常感进退两难。 Women need a new living construct; onesuffice of opportunities and diversity for their life journeys. The questionis, how? It is crucial to enlist help from fellow peers, colleagues, and kinsto establish a new community for this culture— one which identifies with thecommon goal proposed by our current culture and agrees that there are multiplepathways to realize this. After all, the modern everywoman is destined withovertly high expectations from society. There is an anecdote to this— afive-year-old girl appeared dejected after returning home from her schoolcurricular activity. She told her mother about her and her crush's dreams tobecome astronauts. Her mother did not understand why that would upset her. Towhich the girl replied, "if we are in space together, who would be thereto look after our child?" At the tentative age of 5, the girl figures thegreatest challenge that awaits her in space is actually her role of parentalresponsibilities. At a young age, girls already understand that their decisionbetween career and family would ultimately determine the extent of theirdevotion toward their career. The aspect of raising a child is equivalent toraising society itself; it is a noble task for a non-compensable cause. When welook at our society, the family functions as its basic unit, and since womenhold the key to cultivating family harmony, they are the ones who ensure oursociety's stability and well-being. In essence, it is their inherent femininequality that makes them noble and divine. They are the spark to passion, thefoundation to family, and the cradle to the future. Nevertheless, society'sparadoxical treatment toward women— being benevolent and critical— has renderedthem into a state of immobility. 追求完美,但拒绝完美主义。自我克制,但不隐藏真实的自我。不为迎合他人的肯定目光,而去学习自我伪装。即使她们明明知道,女性哲学、女性语言学、女性宗教和女性政治,都需要女性即要考虑男性的感受,又要照顾内心的需求,来建构属于自己的独特文化。 Women's pursuit ofthe ideal is never about perfectionism. Nor is their sense of self-modulationan attempt to hide their true selves. Instead of others' validation, theychoose to disguise themselves despite knowing all too well that in an effort tobuild a culture uniquely theirs, they face a rigorous equation of catering tothe male ego and reinforcing their own needs across the discourse ofphilosophy, gendered language studies, religion, and politics. 世界需要艺术,艺术需要女性。女性具有与男性同等的智力和创造能力,女性情感细腻,沟通能力更强,而为了成为艺术家,女性需要坚持不懈,并付出比男性更多的努力。 The world needsArt as much as Art needs women. Both men and women share the same level ofintelligence and innovativeness; in any case, it is women who are moreemotionally sensual and eloquent in their communicative abilities. Yet, unliketheir male counterparts, female artists are tried much more for theirperseverance, resilience and hard work. 女性最大的阻力不是来自外界,更多的是自己制造的内心障碍。来,让我们一起,向前一步,找到可以安放内心的群体,彼此轻松惬意的相处,以沙龙的形式自由探讨艺术、文化、时尚、哲学等话题,让更多的人了解女性和女性艺术家,从而更好的平衡事业和生活,这是本次展览的意义所在。 Her biggestobstacle comes not from external forces; rather, she is haunted by her ownanguish. Hence, in light of this exhibition, let us come together and ventureforward in the search for a warm and welcoming collective, where we canconverse at ease about Art, culture, fashion, and philosophy in the form of asalon, advocate a better understanding of the female identity and femaleartists for the public, and thereby achieve a finer balance between career andlifestyle. 一方面接受世俗禁锢,一方面肩负社会期望,女性们迎难而上,毫不退缩。所谓岁月静好,即是冷暖自知,悲欢自渡。这,也是《逆光与凝望》所表达的精神内核。 Women arerisk-takers who can bear the difficulties of secular confinements and society'sexpectations with great fortitude. In the tranquilness of passing time, perhapsonly the individual who witnesses his/her own eclipse could savour thebittersweetness that dwells within. Such is, thus, the spiritual core of "Incandescence and in Gaze."

