













All Directions Benefit is a series of imagined landscape depicting movement, migration and connection, created during a time when these ideas could not be realized. Inspired by maps, trace routes, and meandering walking paths, the works are contemplations of various journeys—inward, outward, large and small.

During the pandemic lockdown, online shopping and delivery was one of the limited forms of physical contact with others. Package deliveries arrived frequently, taking many shapes and sizes; each arrival was a revelation of tape and plastic foam wrapping. The wall collages in All Directions Benefit initially started as a way to confront a growing pile of accumulating packing materials. Over time, the works evolved into new perspectives on common and “poor” materials.

Some of the earliest highway interchanges in China were built in Beijing. The wire sculpture in All Directions Benefit is a scale representation of one of these interchanges. Transit maps of the city show that every interchange junction in Beijing’s multiple ring roads is unique; no two bridges are alike. Moving seamlessly from one point to another requires intimate familiarity with the territory; a proficiency that comes with experience and time.

All Directions Benefit is an ongoing exploration. The exhibition itself is a point on a line within a personal trajectory, and an experiment that continues to evolve and change.


何颖宜参与过在亚洲、欧洲和美国举行的个展及群展,其中包括:Luggage Store Gallery(旧金山,2016);BANK画廊(上海,2014);St Andrews Museum(英国快富,2013);上海美术馆(上海,2011);Collective Gallery(爱丁堡,2011);站台中国(北京,2010);San-Art(胡志明市,2010);长征空间(北京,2008)。何颖宜是箭厂空间的联合创始人,箭厂空间是北京市中心历史最悠久、独立经营的另类橱窗式艺术空间之一(箭厂于二零一九年九月关闭)。她也是五金的联合创始人,五金是一个集合了迷你咖啡厅、书店及创意平台的空间。

Rania Ho is a multidisciplinary artist working in installation and performance. Her works employ a humorous, unexpected approach to everyday objects and situations as a means of interrogating broader social or cultural concerns. Ho received her BA in Theater Arts from UCLA and a master’s degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at New York University. She lives and works in Beijing and San Francisco.

Ho has participated in solo and group exhibitions throughout Asia, Europe and the United States, including at the Luggage Store Gallery, SF (2018); Capsule Gallery, Shanghai (2017); CASS Sculpture Foundation, UK (2016); BANK, Shanghai (2014); Meta Gallery, Shanghai (2015); Observation Society, Guangzhou (2013); St Andrews Museum, Fife, UK (2013); Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai (2011); Collective Gallery, Edinburgh (2011); Platform China, Beijing (2010); San-Art, Ho Chi Minh City (2010); Long March Space, Beijing (2008). Ho is a co-founder of Arrow Factory, one of the longest-standing, independently run alternative art spaces in Beijing, which operated in a storefront from March 2008 to September 2019. She is also a co-founder of Wujin, a tiny café, bookshop and creative platform.
