
王强 | 熟悉的夜








我们高兴地宣布,王强的第五回个展将在2021年11月27日于空白空间(草场地)开幕并持续至2022年1月16日。本次展览将呈现王强近期的全新绘画创作。 夜是暧昧而绵延的,我们从来无法言之凿凿地说出夜之来临与离去的准确时间。夜也是确切而不可抗拒的,“太阳照常升起”,夜晚也从不缺席。夜是一种复合的时空状态,有些光线、温度、声音乃至心境只属于夜,也由此,夜与夜不同,海上的夜、林中的夜与城市的夜并不相同,而或许只有城市中的夜,才是大多数当代人所熟悉的夜:城市作为人之所处的物理空间,夜成为一段特定的心理时间。 夜的暧昧与确切也是王强绘画的暧昧与确切。王强的绘画往往处在抽象与具象之间,给人一种既熟悉,却也朦胧而疏离的感受。这样一种感受,来源于画面中不远不近的视角,一种观望的姿态,似乎画家与其对象总是保持着一段止于礼的距离;也来源于画家的罩染式绘画中所提供的某种几近“失焦”般的微妙视觉:在整体上可被辨析的具体形象唤起着观者切身的经验与记忆,而难以捕获的具体细节则赋予了画面更类似于梦境的质感。 《熟悉的夜》是与展览同名的系列绘画,王强在作品中描绘了一系列夜幕初降后,办公楼宇内外的情境——每一个都市人最熟悉不过的景象。天色虽已暗淡,但不至于漆黑。画面暗部的窗格冷峻且深邃,并潜藏着诸多变化而流动的细节,仿佛暗示了夜的蠢蠢欲动。与之相对应的,是办公楼窗格内大多昏黄而显温暖的内部空间,似乎给予了仍未停歇的都市人一丝温暖的慰藉。屋内的人们身处不同的房间,有的向外眺望,有的伏于案头,尽管模糊的面部让我们无法确知他们此刻的心情,但是或端拿着烟的手,或微微倾斜的身姿,让我们感到他们心事重重。几何线条形塑的框架、透视像是城市中无处不在的规则、限制,并于画面结构中给予了房屋内小局部的纵深感,更暗示了楼宇内未尽的故事和未明的心情。 而更进一步地,这种“熟悉的夜”的状态被画家凝练为某种超越了夜的特定时间段的存在,以来源于个体的经验以及集体无意识,整体性地弥漫在其绘画中。即便是那些描绘艳阳高照的午间(《白昼》),甚或是难以辨别时间的、由强烈闪光捕获的日常生活细节(《小办公室》、《等待》等)的作品中,观者同样能感受到静谧、克制、冷峻与不安等与“夜”同频的复杂体验。 王强,1971年出生于中国北京。1997年在中央美术学院版画系获得学士学位,2004年在杜塞尔多夫艺术学院获得Meisterschluele & Akademiebrief学位。近期的个展包括:熟悉的夜,空白空间,北京,中国(2021);诗人的冬天,空白空间,北京,中国(2017);陌生的城,空白空间,北京,中国(2015)。近期的群展包括:介入与再造——当代绘画的图像方式,广东美术馆,广州,中国(2020);漫游者之歌,空白空间,北京,中国(2019)。王强现生活和工作于北京。 We are pleased to announce that Wang Qiang's fifth solo exhibition will open at WHITE SPACE (Caochangdi) on November 27, 2021, and run through January 16, 2022. This exhibition will present Wang Qiang's recent new paintings. The night is ambiguous and prolonged, and we can never say with certainty the exact time of its arrival and departure. The night is also definite and irresistible, "the sun rises as usual," and the night is never absent. Night compounds time and space. Some light, temperature, sound, and even state of mind belong only to the night. Each night is unique. A night at sea, a night in the forest and a night in the city are not the same. Perhaps only the one in the city is familiar to most contemporaries: the city as the physical space where people live, night contains a specific psychological time. The ambiguity and exactitude of the night also characterize Wang Qiang's paintings. Wang Qiang's works on canvas, situated between abstraction and figuration, render a sense of familiarity and bewildering detachment. Such a sense comes from the not-too-distant perspective in the picture. It maintains the gesture of looking, dictated by the painter's mediated distance to his subject, preserves certain politeness. It also comes from the almost "out-of-focus" subtle vision provided by the painter's homogenous tone, where the discernible concrete images as a whole while the blurry details offer the pictures a more dream-like quality. Wang Qiang depicts a series of scenes inside and outside office buildings after nightfall in Acquainted with the Night, a series of works on canvas with the eponymous title as the exhibition. In these most familiar scenes to every urban dweller, the sky is dim but not dark. The dark windowpanes seem uninviting and profound, with many shifting and flowing details lurking in the background as if hinting at the dreadful movement in the night. In contrast, the interior space of the office building, which is gently lit, seems to offer a touch of warmth and comfort to the urban residents who have yet to repose. The figures inside are in different rooms, some looking out, some working on their desks. However, their faces may be indistinct for us to know what their exact feelings are at the moment, but the hands holding the cigarettes, or the slightly leaning posture, led us in on their preoccupation. The geometric lines shaping the frame and perspective remind one of the ubiquitous rules and restrictions in the urban environment and add partial depth to the room's interior space, underscoring the unfinished stories and unexplained moods inside the building. Furthermore, the artist condensed this state of Acquainted with the Night into a temporal existence beyond any specific moment in the night, which holistically pervades his paintings, drawing on individual experiences and the collective unconscious. Even the works depicting sunny midday (Daylight), or an indistinguishable moment where details of daily life are captured by intense flashes of light (Small Office, Waiting, etc.), the viewer would grasp the vibrating resonance of silence, restraint, coldness, and uneasiness one identifies with the "night." Wang Qiang (b.1971, Beijing, China) received his BFA from the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 1997. In 2004, he obtained his Master's degree (i.e. Meisterschüler) at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts. Recent solo exhibitions include Acquainted with the Night, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2021); The Poet's Winter, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2017); Fremde Stadt, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2015). Recent group exhibition includes Intervention and Redevelopment: The Imagery Means of Contemporary Art, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2020); A White Space Odyssey, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2019). Wang Qiang currently lives and works in Beijing. 艺术家介绍 王强 王强的绘画经过抽象和极简主义的提炼,理性地建构出具有个人独特风格的现代艺术理念。现实生活中的色彩被提亮提纯,压缩简化,其作品可信的现场感和清凉的通透感,使得画面中不可思议地流动着空气,呈现出比过去或未来更加扑朔迷离的感官体验。 王强,1971年出生于中国北京。1997年在中央美术学院版画系获得学士学位,2004年在杜塞尔多夫艺术学院获得Meisterschluele & Akademiebrief 学位。近期的个展包括:熟悉的夜,空白空间,北京,中国(2021);诗人的冬天,空白空间,北京,中国(2017);陌生的城,空白空间,北京,中国(2015)。近期的群展包括:介入与再造——当代绘画的图像方式,广东美术馆,广州,中国(2020);漫游者之歌,空白空间,北京,中国(2019)。王强现生活和工作在北京。 WANG QIANG Wang Qiang's painting skills were honed through abstraction and minimalism. He rationally constructs modern artistic notions with a unique individual style. In his works the colors of real life are brightened and purified, compressed and simplified. An credible sense of live, on-the-spot presence and a refreshing sense of transparence inject an incredible flow of air into the picture, demonstrating a sensory experience that's even more bewildering than the past or the future. Wang Qiang (b. 1971, Beijing, China) received his BFA from the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 1997. In 2004, he obtained his Master's degree (i.e. Meisterschüler) at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts. Recent solo exhibitions include Acquainted with the Night, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2021); The Poet's Winter, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2017); Fremde Stadt, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2015). Recent group exhibition includes Intervention and Redevelopment: The Imagery Means of Contemporary Art, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2020); A White Space Odyssey, WHITE SPACE, Beijing, China (2019). Wang Qiang currently lives and works in Beijing.

