

开幕时间:2024-08-24 15:00



展览地点:Yuan Museum


参展艺术家:比安卡·罗兰多(Bianka Rolando)

主办单位:Yuan Museum、波兰驻华大使馆文化处


Yuan Museum荣幸宣布将于2024年8月24日星期六举办波兰艺术家比安卡·罗兰多(Bianka Rolando)个展「水下宫殿」。 自Yuan Museum成立以来,首次开启艺术家驻留项目。2024年8月2日,比安卡开始了她在北京Yuan Museum为期一个月的艺术驻留项目。「水下宫殿」展览即为比安卡此次艺术驻留项目的创作成果展示。





Bianka Rolando

比安卡·罗兰多(Bianka Rolando),1979年出生于华沙,波兰艺术家,诗人,亚当·密茨凯维奇大学教授,华沙Foksal艺廊合作艺术家,工作生活于波兹南。她用极具个人特色的方法将画面与文字结合起来。其作品中表现的诗歌和视觉艺术的巧妙融合,体现了艺术家将两种艺术形式的潜在表现力进行结合的探索。

Bianka Rolando was born in 1979, a Polish artist and poet.She is a professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and she collaborates with Foksal Gallery in Warsaw. Bianka lives and works in Poznań. She is an interdisciplinary artist, bridges poetry and visual arts. Bianka is particularly interested in the ways in which images and words permeate each other. Her poetic and visual work is an attempt at a unique record that combines the potentialities of poetry and art.

Selected solo exhibitions

2016 Reversed Triumphzug, Arsenal Municipal Gallery, Poznań

2015 Wetland, LETO Gallery, Warsaw

2013 Attempts at Baptism, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw

2011 Sunrises, Polish Institute of Culture, Rome

Selected group exhibitions

2016 A P/ace. Jubilee Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of the Foksal Gallery, Warsaw

2016 Xll Baltic Triennial, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius

2015 Procedures for the Head. Polish Art Today, Kunsthalle Bratislava

2014 As You Can See. Polish Art Today, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw



Yuan Museum 馆长、艺术家、策展人

1969 年出生于上海,曾就读于中央工艺美术学院主修平面设计及绘画,1986 年毕业于中央工艺美术学院,并在 1993 年法国巴黎第一大学获造型艺术硕士学位,1994 年创办了 TAO 画廊,为中国当代的优秀艺术家做了许多展览,2002 年创办自造社,成为中国第一家设计师品牌。2009 年创办 O-GALLERY 艺术设计画廊,代理国内外著名艺术家和设计师作品,2016 年米兰设计三年展特邀策展人;2019年创办Yuan museum艺术与设计博物馆,2019-2023年《设计之春》中国家博会当代设计展总策展人、2023年伦敦设计双年展策展人, 2023年米兰设计周 FORMATION OFRONDO策展人, 2023年巴黎设计周WARMth策展人 , 2023年意大利威尼斯设计周(与中国相遇) 策展人。2024年巴黎设计周中国馆策展人。

Tao Song (b. 1969, Shanghai) is an artist, designer, curator, and founder of TAO Gallery, ZIZAOSHE and Yuan Museum. Previously, he received an MA in Plastic Arts from Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University in 1993 and a BA in Graphic Design and Drawing from National University of Art and Design (Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University) in 1986. He came back to China in 1994, then he founded TAO Gallery, a gallery dedicated to contemporary Chinese and international design, and planed many exhibitions for the outstanding Chinese contemporary artists. In 2019, he founded the Yuan Museum. Song served as the curator of Guangzhou CIFF Design Spring from 2020–2023. In 2023,he was the curator of the Formation of Rando in Milan Design Week, the WARMth of the Paris Design Week, the Meeting with China of the Venice Design Week. He also serves as the curator of the Paris Design Week - China Week in 2024.
