

  马特·克里肖,英国当代艺术家,于1961年生于英国诺丁汉,居住和生活在伦敦。克里肖1986年毕业于伦敦大学金史密斯学院 (Goldsmiths, University of London),和著名的达敏·赫斯特等一样是YBAs(青年英国艺术家组织)的重要成员之一。

  青年英国艺术家组织YBAs囊括了一群在英国进行创作的概念艺术家、画家、雕塑家和装置艺术家,其中大部分艺术家都毕业于伦敦大学的金史密斯学院。YBAs的称号来自于萨其画廊(Saatchi Gallery)的1992年筹划举办的同名展览,使这些才华横溢的年轻艺术家们的声望大增,成为伦敦当代艺术的中流砥柱。YBAs也已经成为了一个历史性的称号,因为当时的青年英国艺术家们现在大都已经四十多岁了。他们以颠覆传统的另类艺术示人,也因这种别开生面的创意和艺术形式声名远扬,他们使用废弃物和野生动植物作为原材料进行创作,体裁新颖,抨击时事,无所顾忌并且寓意深刻,可以说YBAs在某些方面主导了90年代的英国现当代艺术。马特·克里肖作为YBAs的代表人物,一直致力于表现模糊艺术与现实两者间的界限。他不断的对其作品进行新的尝试:以印刷、投影、照明等多样化的方式诠释人们熟知的事物。

  马特·克里肖是国际众多知名展览和画廊的常客,他的作品曾在世界知名的各大展览如:伦敦萨里码头的“冻结展”(Freeze)、纽约Tanya Bonakdar画廊的“受控展”(Controlled),慕尼黑的格林/罗森菲尔德 (Grimm/Rosenfeld)画廊的“寓言展”(The Parable Show),英国皇家艺术学院的 “感觉” (Sensation)以及马德里Helga de Alvear画廊“经过展”(The Passing)等占据了显要位置并引起巨大反响。同时他也是德国慕尼黑的Grimm/Rosenfeld 画廊, 美国纽约的Tanya Bonakdar画廊和法国巴黎的Cosmic Gallerie画廊等国际知名画廊重要的代理艺术家之一。




  Kristallnacht是一组照片装置作品,一组黑白照片被安置在灯箱上,克里肖在灯箱中安置了 多彩偏光镜,在灯箱光源打开后,黑白老照片立刻被万花筒般的眩目颜色所笼罩,很容易吸引观者驻足。但当人们近距离观赏时,会发现作品本身的内容并不像它呈现的颜色那么诱人,霓虹灯上的照片真实再现了1938年11月9日发生 “碎玻璃之夜恐怖事件”(二战时期德国纳粹对德国犹太社区犹太人实施的一次大屠杀)之后的街头景象。克里肖通过其作品的视觉传递来触动观者的潜意识,而从不介意观者是否喜欢。





Mat Collishaw Biography 1966 Born in Nottingham, England 1986 Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, England 1989 BA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London, England Lives and works in London, England Photographer, sculptor and filmmaker. Mat Collishaw was born in Nottingham and studied at Goldsmith’s College in London. Much of his work contains historical and art-historical references to the interaction between nature and culture. Often the images are appropriated and digitally altered, the underlying theme being the relationship between representation and reality. The artist lives and works in London. Selected Exhibitions 2008 - 2009 Mat Collishaw, Alalix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland (solo) 2008 Deliverance, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York (solo) 2008 Shooting Star, Haunch of Venison, London, UK (solo) 2008 Summer Exhibition - In The Old Fashioned Way, Gallery 8, Royal Academi, Aberdour, UK 2007 Cornice Art Fair, Analix Forever, Geneva (solo) 2007 Venice Biennale 2007 Reconstruction #2, Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire 2006 Handsome, Analix Forever, Geneva 2006 Buenas noches, Analix Forever, Geneva (solo) 2006 Raucci/Santamaria Gallery, Naples (solo) 2005 No one is innocent, Grimm Rosenfeld, Munich (solo) 2005 The Parable Show, Grimm/Rosenfeld, Munich 2005 Fragile, Analix Forever, Geneva 2005 Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK (solo) 2004 Analix Forever, Geneva I, Assassin, Wallspace Gallery, New York Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York Gardens, Tate Britain, London 2003 The Luminous Image, VI (curated by Franc Palaia), Collaborative Concepts, Beacon, NY Retinal Stain/Persistance Retinienne, Artissima, Turin (November), Art Basel Miami (December) Modern Art, London Cadrage, Analix Forever, Geneva 2002 - 2003 Raucci/Santamaria Gallery, Naples 2002 Penetration, Marriane Boesky Gallery/Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York, NY Cosmic Galerie, Paris Unexpected Selections from the Martin Z. Margulies Collection:Art from 185 to the present, The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, Florida T ableaux Vivants: Living Pictures and Attitudes in Photography, Film, and Video, Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria Mirroring Evil/Nazi Imagery in Recent Art, The Jewish Museum, New York, NY Nausea, Djanogly Art Gallery, Nottingham, England New Religious Art, Liverpool Biennial curated by Neal Brown 2001 New Works, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland Mat Collishaw, Site Gallery, Sheffield, England Raucci/Santamaria, Naples, Italy New Works, Modern Art, London, England Ultra Violet Baby, 4 day film screening, Shoreditch Town Hall, London, England Bonakdar Jancou Gallery, New York, NY Lux Gallery, London, England At Sea, Sainsbury Centre, UEA, Norwich, England At Sea, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, England Tattoo Show, Modern Art, London, England Electronic Maple, New York Centre for Media Arts, New York, NY Sacred & Profane, A Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust Touring Exhibition, Sheffield, England Claustrophobia, Cartwright Hall, Lister Park, Bradford, England 2000 Museum of Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland 2000 Greenhouse Effect, Serpentine Gallery, London, England 2000 1000+1 Nacht, Landesmuseum, Linz, Austria 2000 Sex and the British, Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Paris, France 2000 And She Will Have Your Eyes Forever, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 2000 Bierfest, VTO, London, England 1999 EXTRAerORDINAIRE, Printemps de Cahors, France 1999 Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy 1999 Flesheaters, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1998 Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1998 Bonakdar Jancou Gallery, New York, NY 1998 Exterminating Angel, Galerie Guislaine Hussenot, Paris, France 1998 Claustrophobia, IKON Gallery, Birmingham, AL 1998 Two person exhibition with Damien Hirst, Anne Faggionato, London, England 1998 London Calling, British Art School at Rome, Rome, Italy 1998 Close Echoes, City Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 1998 The Edge of Awareness, P.S. 1 Museum, Long Island City, NY 1998 Then and Now, Lisson Gallery, London, England 1997 Pictura Britannica, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Sydney, Australia 1997 Sensation: Young British Artist from the Saatchi Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England 1997 Full House: Young British Art, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany 1997 Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1997 Galleria Raucci/Santamaria, Naples, Italy 1997 Duty Free Spirits, Lisson Gallery, London, England 1997 Urban Legends, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden Baden, Germany 1997 London Live, Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Germany 1997 The Citybank Private Bank Photography Prize, Royal College of Art, London, England 1997 Live/Life, Fundaçao de Descobertes, Lisbon, Portugal 1996 Control Freaks, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, NY 1996 Fernbedienung/Does Television inform the Way Art is Made?, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria 1996 The Inner Eye, Manchester City Art Gallery, Manchester, England 1996 Manifesta, Natural History Museum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 1996 The British Art Show IV, Hayward Gallery for the Arts, London, England 1996 Exchanging Interiors, Museun Van Loon, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996 Comme un oiseau, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France 1996 Hybrids, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996 Statements, Art Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland 1996 Life/Live, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France 1995 Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1995 Camden Arts Center, London, England 1995 The British Art Show IV, Hayward Gallery for the Arts, London, England 1995 Brilliant ! (New Art From London), Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN 1995 Hardcore II, Factual Nonsense, London, England 1995 Minky Manky, South London Gallery, London, England 1995 The Fourth Istanbul Biennial, Art and Culture Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey 1995 Wild Walls, Stedeljik Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1995 Here and Now, Serpentine Gallery, London, England 1995 2+2 and 4 for 4, Karaoke, South London Gallery, London, England 1994 Institute for Cultural Anxiety, I.C.A., London, England 1994 Incertaine Identité, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1994 Corpus Delicti-London in the 90's, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, Denmark 1994 Winter of Love II, P.S. 1, Long Island City, NY 1994 Soggetto-Soggetto, Castello di Rivoli, Torino, Italy 1994 Rien à signaler, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1994 L'Hiver de l'Amour, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France 1994 Galerie Raucci/Santamaria, Naples, Italy 1993 Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland 1993 Centre d'art contemporain, Martigny, Switzerland Literature 2001 'A Contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities', Selections from the Vicki & Kent Logan Collection, CCAC, 2001 1999 ‘Vision. 50 years British Creativity’, Thames & Hudson. Text by David Sylvester,David Hockney, Melvin Bragg, Michael Craig – Martin, Nicholas Serota 1998 ‘Real/Life: New British Art’, exhibition catalogue, published by The Asahi Shimbun, Japan 1997 'Mat Collishaw ', Jon Thompson, Artimo Foundation 1997 ‘Screen’, portfolio of 11 prints by 12 artists, Anne Faggionato Gallery, published by Charles Booth-Clibborn 1996 Push Ups, exhibition catalogue, Athens 1996 Live/Life exhibition catalogue, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 1996 Digital Gardens: A world in Mutation, exhibition catalogue, The Power Plant 1996 Fernbedienung, exhibition catalogue, Grazer Kunstverein 1995 Manifesta One, exhibition catalogue, Rotterdam 1995 Corpus Delicti, Kunstforeeningen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Torben Christensen and Andrew Renton 1995 British Art Show, National Touring Exhibitions, A Hayward Gallery Publication 1995 Istanbul Biennial exhibition catalogue, Istambul Foundation for Culture and Arts, Turkey 1994 Sogetto Sogetto, Castello di Rivoli, Italy, Giorgio Verzotti & Antonella Russo 1993 Aperto, Venice Biennale XLV Links to further information