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  题为“制造世界”的第53届威尼斯国际艺术双年展,由威尼斯双年展组委会承办,Paolo Baratta和Daniel Birnbaum分别担任主席和总策展人。本届双年展从6月7日起对公众开放,一直持续至11月22日,展览地点在威尼斯绿园城堡(50000㎡)、军械库(38000㎡),以及城中其他几处地方。  《《 更多...

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ADACH Platform for Venice Alessandro Verdi floating in uncertainty Alviti Vertigo
ArtSway's New Forest Pavilion AttaKim ON-AIR BLUE ZONE
Divergence Exhibits from Macao, China DROPSTUFF org Dournement Venise 2009
East-West Divan Foreign Affairs Artists from Taiwan Future Post History
Glass Stress IL MITO Marc Quinn Internet Pavilion
John Gerrard Animated Scene KROSSING L'anima della Pietra
Library Liu Zhong Praise of Nature Making (Perfect) World
Mercury House One_Save The Poetry No Reflections Palestine c o Venice
Port of arts Remote Viewing SANT'ELENA Seduction into the sign
SubTiziano Temple of Sublime Beauty That Obscure Object of Art
The dance of bees Tribute to Pietro Cascella Unconditional love
VENEZIA SALVA Venezia, Catalunya Venice International University - A Gift to Marco Polo
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