

  Liang Shaoji is well known for working with animals and nature in his art. But to understand his work, we must understand something of the Chinese traditions he is referring to when he lovingly rescues fragments of China’s architectural past from destruction, wraps references to the sadness and the strife of human life in raw silk thread, and atones for the unrest and the competition of the floating world by sitting on top of the sacred mountain of his village watching in a mirror how the clouds go by. We must know a little at least of the all-encompassing importance nature has in Chinese thought, and the ancient poetry that has canonized the images of silk and bamboo, candles and clouds, as symbols fleeting of life, of suffering and generosity. But even while referring to Chinese tradition and associative philosophy, Liang’s works target the here and now, transforming those well-known references into thoroughly contemporary installations and performances. Demanding unusual expertise and extraordinary techniques, his works are slow in the making and difficult to interpret. His installations don’t easily submit to commodification - they should be seen as the residue of actions and thought processes, indeed as markers of a chosen path of life, rather than as mere objects.

  His early works consisted of serenely abstract hangings and installations made from textiles, often including bamboo as well. They made him a well-respected figure in international exhibitions of arts and crafts. But he felt that this was not enough to satisfy his desire to make art. In 1988 he started working with silkworms, breeding them and using them in his works. From that moment on, a whole new oeuvre emerged, in which he tries to combine biology, bio-ecology, weaving and sculpture, installation and action. Generally these works are entitled Nature Series, followed by a number and a date. He refers to them as sculptures made of time, life and nature, as “recordings of the fourth dimension”. Many works consist of objects (often objects trouvées) wrapped in the silk threads he has his silkworms spin around them. The silkworm symbolizes generosity; its thread human life and history. Liang often makes use of this symbolism to soften or ease the violence, cruelty or sadness represented by the objects he uses.
Marianne Brouwer

  Liang Shaoji was born in Shanghai in 1945, graduated from Zhejiang Fine Art School, and studied at Varbanov Institute of Tapestry in Zhejiang Academy of Art. Today he resides and works in Linhai. Liang Shaoji has exhibited widely in international Biennales and Triennales, the Venice (1999), Istanbul (1999), Lyon (2000) and Shanghai Biennales (2000 and 2006) among them. Recent exhibitions include CLOUD, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai (2007), Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (2006).


基本资料 1945 生于上海,籍贯广东中山。现居住于浙江临海。

教育 1986 学习于浙江美术学院万曼壁挂工作室。
1965 毕业于浙江美术学院附中。

个展 2008 残山水-梁绍基个展, 香格纳北京 北京朝阳区草场地261号
2007 云-梁绍基个展, 香格纳H空间,上海

群展 2008 法国国际当代艺术博览会2008-展位B12, 艺术博览会 巴黎大皇宫, 巴黎
2008北京798艺术节-艺术不是什么?——当代艺术的50份答卷, 798艺术社区中心,北京
第三届南京三年展-亚洲方位, 南视觉美术馆, 南京
小作品-香格纳画廊艺术家群展, 香格纳H空间,上海
诗意现实-对江南的再解读——来自中国南方的当代艺术, Tomás y Valiente艺术中心
选, 香格纳H空间,上海
Videotheque at ShanghART Shanghai and ShanghART Beijing, 视频站
2007 晒一晒, 香格纳画廊主空间,上海
第六届深圳当代雕塑艺术展-透视的景观, 何香凝美术馆OCT当代艺术中心,深圳
透视的景观, 何香凝美术馆OCT当代艺术中心
2006 超设计-第6届上海双年展, 上海美术馆, 上海
诗意现实:对江南的再解读, 南视觉美术馆, 南京
麻将:希克的中国当代艺术收藏展, 汉堡美术馆,汉堡,德国
2005 麻将-西克的当代艺术收藏展, 伯尔尼美术博物馆,伯尔尼,瑞士
2003 二手现实, 今日美术馆, 北京
今日中国-美术大展, 北京世纪坛美术馆,北京
节点-中国当代艺术的建筑实践, 联洋建筑博物馆, 上海
2002 第2届潘塞夫双年展, 原南斯拉夫,塞尔维亚
意大利纤维艺术三年展, 意大利
2000 世纪之门:中国艺术邀请展, 成都现代美术馆,成都
第3届上海双年展, 上海美术馆,上海,中国
第5届里昂双年展, 里昂当代美术馆,里昂,法国
1999 第48届威尼斯国际艺术双年展-全面开放, 威尼斯, 意大利
第6届伊斯坦布尔双年展, 伊斯坦布尔,土耳其
1998 传统?反思-中国当代艺术展, 德国驻华大使馆, 北京
江南:现代与当代艺术展, 温哥华爱米利卡美术学院,温哥华,加拿大
江南-现代与当代中国艺术展, GRUNT 画廊, 温哥华, 加拿大
1996 COMO国际壁挂展, 意大利
1995 中国美术评论家年度提名展:95雕塑/装置, 南京
1994 第三回中国现代艺术文献展, 上海华东师大,上海
1993 第7届国际纤维艺术研讨会, 里加,拉脱维亚
1991 第一届中国现代艺术文献展, 北京,中国
1990 第八届匈牙利国际微型纤维艺术双年展, 松博特海伊,匈牙利
1989 中国现代艺术展, 中国美术馆, 北京
新艺术形式展, 海军军港
第三届国际纤维艺术研讨会, 里加,拉脱维亚
1987 第13届洛桑国际壁挂双年展, 洛桑州立美术馆,洛桑,瑞士