








艺术家谷文达将与深圳平安金融中心PAFC MALL携手合作行为艺术【青绿山水画的故事】。这场活动是【第贰届大众当代艺术日】系列的一部分,此活动中艺术家将与深圳地区为主的壹仟伍佰名学子进行大型行为艺术。


这场由谷文达导演的行为艺术是二零一四年佛山【第壹届大众当代艺术日】活动的延续,希望通过参与性的活动将大众与当代艺术的距离拉近。一旦这幅由深圳地区的学生创作出的蓝藻泼画完成,艺术家便会以这幅作品作为基础,再次创作出一系列新的蓝藻水墨艺术作品,亦会在后期将作品制作为巨幅海报,将其悬挂在平安金融中心PAFC MALL外墙向大家展示。平安金融中心PAFC MALL是由平安不动产在深圳福田区打造的深圳新地标,这座华南第一高楼高达陆佰米,象征深圳这座创新之城的城市精神。【青绿山水画的故事】不仅是一场艺术活动,也是学子们对这个社会发出的呼声,呼吁社会对他们赖以生存的自然环境更多的关怀,希望全民共同努力打造充满青山绿水的未来。

theme: 【a story of qinglu shanshui】first public contemporary art day performance and opening ceremony
venue: shenzhen exhibition center
date: september 24, 2016
sponsor: pingan financial center pafc mall

the artist wenda gu and the pingan finance center (pafc mall) will collaborate in the creation of the performance art work【a story of qinglu shanshui】. this event is part of the【first public contem-porary art day 】series, with 1,500 shenzhen area primary school students participating in a large scale performance art work.

as a pioneer of conceptual ink art, wenda gu uses public participation and performance to touch on issues of language and cross-cultural communication, chinese traditional culture and environmen-tal issues within his artistic practice. through this kind of performance art event, the artist would like to cultivate an environmental consciousness, to discover inspiration amongst the depths of the al-gae, together, along with the volunteers to create an inspiring art work.  the calligraphy work 【verdant mountains, emerald waters】comes from the artist's 【simplified chinese phrases】. the work is a simplification of the words "qingshan" and "lushui" into one word thus making them inseparable and reflecting the intertwined existence of nature of humanity. the volunteers wearing white t-shirts emblazoned with the "verdant mountains, emerald waters" character will use algae to paint a landscape painting on 1,500 square meters of xuan paper. (the children will be painting with food-grade algae harvested from nature but processed to become non-toxic.)

this contemporary art performance directed by wenda gu is a continuation of the 2014 foshan per-formance【first public contemporary art day】and is an attempt to bring the public closer to con-temporary art through the act of participating in the process of creation. using the green blue algae splash painting as a base, wenda gu will then create a series of new algae ink works. he will then use these works (produced at a later date) to make a giant poster which will be displayed on the fa?ade of the pingan financial center's pafc mall. pafc mall is a landmark of shenzhen's fotian dis-trict built by pingan real estate-a structure which is 600 meters taller than the tallest building in southern china thus evoking the innovative spirit of Shenzhen. 【a story of qingshan lushui】is not only an art event, but it is also a cry from the students to show concern for the natural environment upon which their existence relies, and for us to all work together to build a build a greener future.

