


1961      出生于天津
1981      毕业于中央美术学院民间美术系
1989      毕业于中央美术学院,国画系,获硕士学位
1992      在西班牙马德里皇家美术学院画室工作
目前       中央美术学院国画系副教授


2010       悸动 - 刘庆和作品展,红门画廊
2009       刘庆和作品展,何香凝美术馆,深圳
2008       宝贝儿,红门画廊
2007       刘庆和个展,北京今日美术馆, 北京
2006       刘庆和个展,东山房画廊,韩国
2004       湖光 - 刘庆和水墨作品展,红门画廊
2003       风行水上,红门画廊
2001       水墨状态,清华美术学院,北京
             刘庆和,Qing Ping 画廊,波士顿
2000       临界,当代艺术,红门画廊
1999       风 - 夜,红门画廊
1998       岸 -水墨新作展,红门画廊
1997       云中漫步,红门画廊
1996       广州 “门”,字沙龙,广州
             情感 , 红门画廊
1995       刘庆和水墨画展,深圳美术馆
1994       刘庆和个人画展,中央美术学院画廊,北京
1993       刘庆和 – 中国水墨画,马德里皇家美术学院,西班牙

2009       四门阵 – 今派传承当代水墨展,今日美术馆
2008       红门之星,红门画廊
             形象对话 – 中国油画、水墨肖像艺术展,中国美术馆
             “中国 – 面对现实”中国当代艺术展, 中国美术馆
             水墨新境 – 中国当代水墨展,柏林亚洲博物馆
             墨非墨 – 中国当代水墨展,今日美术馆
             两个站着的人 – 刘庆和、李津画展,美国洛杉矶Morono Kiang画廊
2007       文脉当代,北京今日美术馆,北京
2006       当代视像 –首届中国当代艺术年鉴展,中华世纪坛,北京

2005       东方之韵 – 中国当代水墨作品展,美国洛杉矶
2004       东方既白 - 二十世纪中国绘画展,巴黎金门宫 
             新写意– 中国当代水墨画展,中国美术馆
2003       新写意水墨画邀请展,北京炎黄艺术馆,新加坡艺术廊,欧洲
             开放的时代 -  纪念中国美术馆建馆40周年大展,中国美术馆
             点 • 辐射与深入- 来自纸墨的视觉表达,马来西亚国家美术馆,广东美术馆
2002       两岸水墨代表画家邀请展,台湾国父纪念馆
             东加西, 中国当代艺术展,维也纳艺术家之家美术馆
             都市营造 -  2002上海双年展,上海美术馆
2001       水墨本色,中国当代水墨画邀请展,中国美术馆
             迹象未来 - 红门画廊十周年展,红门画廊
             生活在此时 - 当代中国艺术展,汉堡火车站美术馆,柏林
             纸上之韵 -  二十世纪中韩代表画家作品展,汉城现代美术馆
2000       世纪之门 ,1979 - 1999 中国当代美术邀请展,成都现代艺术馆
1999       城市的怀念,中国当代社会写真,中国文化中心,旧金山
             生命的树,Qing Ping 画廊,波士顿
             都市水墨, 广东美术馆, 深圳美术馆
1998       再现 - 红门画家精选代表作品回顾展, 红门画廊
1997       广州艺术博览会特邀画家,广州
1996      96中国水墨现状,中国美术馆
1994       第八届全国美术作品展,中国美术馆
1993       首届全国中国画展,中国美术馆
1992       二十世纪  - 中国,中国美术馆
1991          新生代艺术展,中国历史博物馆,北京
1990       中国人物画邀请展,中国画研究院
1988       四人联展,中央美术学院画廊
1985       学院画展,中央美术学院陈列馆
1981       第二届全国青年美术展,中国美术馆
1994       第8 届全国美展,北京展获金奖,中国美术馆
1985       院校画展获银奖,中央美术学院
1981       第二届天津青年美展,银奖
波士顿博物馆,澳大利亚驻华大使馆,碧海壁公司 (BHP),深圳美术馆,北京中国画研究院,西班牙皇家美术学院,西班牙Sephira 画廊,广东美术馆,上海美术馆,中国美术馆及私人 收藏 


1961 Born in Tianjin City
1981 Graduated from the Tianjin School of Arts and Crafts
1987 Graduated from the Folk Art Dept., the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing
1989 Graduated with Masters Degree from the Chinese Painting Dept., CAFA
1992  Residency at the Royal Academy of Fine Art (RAFA) studio in Madrid, Spain
Present: Vice Professor, Chinese Painting Dept., CAFA

Solo Exhibitions

2010 Throbbing - Liu Qinghe, Red Gate Gallery
2009 Liu Qinghe, He Xiangning Art Museum
2008 Bao Bei Er, Red Gate Gallery
2007 Liu Qinghe, Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijng
 Beyond the Bank, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2006 Liu Qinghe, Dong San Bang Gallery, Korea
2004 River – Scape, Red Gate Gallery
2003 Wind Blowing on the Water, Red Gate Gallery
2001 Liu Qinghe, CAFA
 The State of Ink Paintings, Qinghua University
 Liu Qinghe, Qing Ping Gallery, Boston
2000 On the Border, Red Gate Gallery
 Liu Qinghe, Luoyang Museum
1999 Wind - Night, Red Gate Gallery
1998 The Shore, Red Gate Gallery
1997 Walk in the Clouds, Red Gate Gallery
1996 Guangzhou Gate Salon
 Feelings, Red Gate Gallery
1995 Ink and Wash Paintings, Shenzhen Art Museum
1994 Recent Paintings, Red Gate Gallery
 Liu Qinghe, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
1993 Liu Qinghe- Chinese Ink and Wash Paintings, RAFA, Madrid
 Liu Qinghe, Sephira Galeria, Madrid

Group Exhibitions

2009 Matrix of Four Gates – Exhibition of Traditional Lineaged contemporary Inkwash, Today Art Museum
2008 Red Gate Stars, Red Gate Gallery
 Visual Dialogue – Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China
 China – Facing Realism, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China
 Beijing International Art Biennale, National Art Museum of China
 Transforming Marks of Ink, Berlin Asian Art Museum, Berlin
  No Ink – Exhibhition of Chinese Contemporary Inkwash, Today Art Museum
 Artists’ Exhibitions – Li Jin, Liu Qinghe and Wu Yi, Denmark Art Center, Beijing
 Side by Side – Liu Qinghe and Li Jin, Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles
2007 Contemporary Cultural Venation – China Version, Beijing Today Art Museum
2006 Contemporary Imagination,  China Millennium Monument Art Museum, Beijing
 60 Sigh, Today Art Museum, Beijing 
 Life, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2005 Contemporary Chinese Art, Mexico
2004 Oriental Space – 20th Century Chinese Paintings, Paris
 Excellent Artists Nomination, Today Art Museum, Beijing
 Chinese Cotemporary Ink and Wash, National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)
 Chinese Contemporary Famous Artist, NAMOC
 19th Asia International Art Exhibition, Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan
 Ink and Wash Figure Paintings in New Reality, Shanghai Art Museum
 1st Fine Arts Documentary Nomination, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
 Nanjing Ink Painting Media Triennial, Jiangsu Art Museum
2003 New Freehand Chinese Ink – Paintings by Invited Artists, Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum, Yi Shu Lang Art Gallery, Singapore; Europe
 New Generation and Post – Revolution, China Blue Gallery, Beijing
 An Opening Era – 40th Anniversary of the Founding of NAGC, NAGC
 Chinese Art Today, China Millennium Monument Art Museum
 1st Beijing International Art Biennale, NAGC 
  International Art Expo- Chinese Exhibition, Seoul
 Dot, Radiation and Penetration –Visual Expressions through Paper and Ink, Malaysia Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum
 Chinese Contemporary Art, Seoul
2002 Artists Across the Straits, Taiwan National Art Gallery, Taipei
 China - Korea Artists, Seoul Sejong Art Museum; Suwon University Gallery
 Artists’ Home Art Gallery, Vienna
 Sketches and Drawings, Tuancheng Gallery, Beijing
 Urban Creation, Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Gallery
 3rd International Ink Painting Biennale, Guan Shanyue Gallery, Shenzhen
2001 The Distinct Color of Ink, China Contemporary Ink Paintings, NAGC
 Extending the Ink, China Contemporary Ink Paintings, NAGC
 1st National Ink Paintings Invitational Exhibition, Dalian
 Clues to the Future – Red Gate Gallery’s 10th Anniversary
 Living, Hamburger Bahnhoff, Berlin
 Paper / Ink, National Gallery of Korea, Seoul
 100 Years of Chinese Painting, NAGC
 Experimental Ink and Wash, Guangdong Art Musuem
2000 Gate of the Century, 1979 - 1999 Chinese Art Invitational Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary Art Museum, Chengdu
 New Chinese Painting, Shanghai
 Shenzhen 2nd International Ink and Wash Biennale, Shenzhen
  Shanghai Art Museum’s Collection, Shanghai
 Between the Lines, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney
1999 Urban Yearnings: Portraits of Contemporary China by Liu Qinghe, Su Xinping and Zhang Yajie, Chinese Cultural Center, San Francisco
 Chinese Ink & Wash Portraits, NAGC
 The Tree of Life, Qing Ping Gallery, Boston
 A Collection of Contemporary Experimental Ink / Wash Drawings, Guangdong Art Museum, Shenzhen Art Museum
 Asian Art, Seoul
 Contemporary China, Berlin
 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition, Guangdong
1998  Retake: A Selection Reviewing Red Gate Artists’ Signature Works,
 Red Gate Gallery  
 Chinese Watercolors by Teachers of CAFA, NAGC
1997 Guangzhou International Invitational Art Fair, Guangzhou
 ‘97 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Fair, Shanghai
 Works by Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists, Zhuhai
1996  National Exhibition - Trends in Chinese Ink Painting, NAGC
 Figurative Chinese Painting, Gallery of International Art Palace, Beijing
1994 8th National Fine Arts Exhibition, NAGC
1993 1st National Exhibition of Chinese Painting, NAGC
1992 20th Century - China, NAGC
1991 New Generation Art, History Museum, Beijing
1990 Chinese Figure Painting, Chinese Painting Research Institute, Beijing
 Chinese Painting, Sino-Japanese Exchange Center, Beijing
1988 Four Painters, CAFA
1985 Academy Show, CAFA
1981 2nd National Exhibition of Young Artists, NAGC
1994 Gold Prize of Beijing, 8th National Fine Arts Exhibition
1985 Second Prize, Academy Show, CAFA
1981 Second Prize, 2nd Tianjin Youth Exhibition
BHP Beijing; Australian Embassy, Beijing; Beijing Traditional Chinese Painting Research Institute; Shenzhen Art Museum; Guangdong Art Museum; Shanghai Art Museum; China Art Museum; Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Spain; Sephira Galeria, Spain; numerous private collections.


