
“画中有话” 對畫空間开幕展

来源: 2008-11-06



    参展艺术家(按字母排序):安晓彤、李继开、吕鹏、马六明、马嬿泠、茹小凡、宋永红、王玉、肖丰、杨冕、赵能智、张琪凯、周向林、艾伦 & 查理(美国)

    Curator:Amy Ying. LI
    Participating artists:An XiaoTong、Li JiKai、Lü Peng、Ma LiuMing、Ma YanLing、Ru XiaoFan、Song YongHong、Wang Yu、Xiao Feng、Yang Mian、Zhao NengZhi、Zhang QiKai、Zhou XiangLin、Erin Kornfeld & Charles Schultz (American)
    Opening Ceremony:5pm, 28th November, 2008
    Duration:29th November 2008—24th January 2009
    Add:6-99#, 22 International Art Plaza, No.32 Baiziwan Road(South of Today Art Museum), Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022



    對畫空間的首展“画中有话”,将于2008年11月28日开幕。该展览是由十五位艺术家组成的联展,他们都属于当代艺术中比较成熟的艺术家。其中大部分是中国艺术家,也包括两位美国艺术家,但他们的艺术语境都是“当代”的。这些艺术家包括:安晓彤、李继开、吕鹏、马六明、马嬿泠、茹小凡、宋永红、王玉、肖丰、杨冕、赵能智、张琪凯、周向林、艾伦 & 查理(美国)。









    Dialogue Space (formerly Today International Gallery), vested and founded by the Beijing-based Antaeus Group, is a professional arts organization dedicated to the principles of internationally acclaimed gallery standards. The gallery is located in Beijing at 22 International Art Plaza of the Central Business District, adjacent to the Today Art Museum. As a professional organization with an international perspective, it provides a complete resource chain for design, publishing, marketing, and networking, possessing an unique ability to bridge the void between the Chinese and international art markets.

    Dialogue Space's approach emphasizes equally the creative expertise and commercial value of art work in parallel, taking charge in the promotion of contemporary art while continually introducing outstanding Chinese talents to the world's art community. In the words of the curator Amy Ying. LI, “We promote contemporary art from China's bourgeoning pool of outstanding artists to the world's art community, allowing their art to flourish and providing them with broader perspectives for the development of their international artistic careers. At the same time, we also look for opportunities to work with important international contemporary artists and to bring them to China.”

    With the addition of new space in 2008, the gallery has turned a new page. Its exhibition area is now 400 square meters and was designed by the well-known architectural designer, Wang Hui. The facility layout has considered international standards for art gallery design, and employs a wide-ranging, open pattern court-yard style of landscaping, providing great flexibility in the layout of any type of art exhibition or event.


    The grand opening of the gallery’s first exhibition, “Telltale Paintings”, will take place on the 28th November, 2008. It is a group exhibition of 15 artists, each with their unique personal style in contemporary art. They are most of them Chinese with two artists from the United States and all in a “contemporary context” of art regardless of their nationality. They are: An XiaoTong, Li JiKai, Lü Peng, Ma LiuMing, Ma YanLing, Ru XiaoFan, Song YongHong, Wang Yu, Xiao Feng, Yang Mian, Zhang QiKai, Zhao NengZhi, Zhou XiangLin, Erin Kornfeld & Charles Schultz.


    Their art is the epitome of Chinese contemporary art - observers will see the reflection of these artists on “relations”, this “relation” being the one between artistic expression and reality; between symbols and cultures; between personal heroism and the globalized world. Through these works, one may find as a starting point the consideration of our world from the point of view of these artists - the way they observe and question this world through the different styles of their artistic expressions. The exhibited works include painting, photography, sculpture and installation – the artists talking to the world with different voices from their personal perspective.


    The curator of the exhibition, Amy Ying. LI, has invited the well-known writer Mr. Mo Yan, to critique and review the exhibition. He will offer his opinion on the duality of the relationship between art and society from a litterateurs point of view.


    The exhibition promises to be a pageant of the arts, offering its patrons the opportunity to appreciate different art styles and researches on the road of art - and to look for the “tales” told in paintings.

    Provided by: Dialogue Space
    October 2008




